Home // Big Brother News // Border Crisis Threaten U.S. Sovereignty – Obama’s Treason, Trying To Usher In The North American Union?

Border Crisis Threaten U.S. Sovereignty – Obama’s Treason, Trying To Usher In The North American Union?

Border Crisis Threaten U.S. Sovereignty – Obama And His Regime Trying To Usher In The North American Union?

Obama Lies!

Obama Declares War On America – Border Crisis Threaten U.S. Sovereignty

Alex Jones covers the unabashed violation of immigration laws by the Obama administration as illegals by the thousand pour into America and are being dropped off all across America by the Government.

Obama’s War On America
Video from July 4, 2014

Tags: U.S. Sovereignty, Obama’s War On America, Treason, Illegals, North American Union, Obama’s Crimes

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