Home // Big Brother News // Jews Can Send Their Kids To Jewish Schools But Christians Are Condemned For Wanting Christian Schools For Their Kids

Jews Can Send Their Kids To Jewish Schools But Christians Are Condemned For Wanting Christian Schools For Their Kids

Jews Can Send Their Kids To Jewish Schools But Christians Are Are Condemned For Wanting Christian Schools For Their Kids

David Duke CNN Interview on Bannon Exposes Jewish Bias
Dr. David Duke in a revealing interview with a CNN reporter exposes the media bias. He is asked in the interview if he is happy that Banon allegedly says to his wife he wants his kids to go to school with Christians. Duke responds that he doubts Bannon said that… but if he were to say that it is hypocritical condemn Banon to want his kids to go to schools with Christians and people of his own heritage while millions of Jews sent their kids to Jewish schools to be around their own people and faith. What hypocrisy!

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