Home // Crime & Coverups // Top Jewish Exec At Google, Andy Rubin, Forced A Woman To Have Oral Sex , Still Gets $90M And ‘Hero’s Farewell”

Top Jewish Exec At Google, Andy Rubin, Forced A Woman To Have Oral Sex , Still Gets $90M And ‘Hero’s Farewell”

Top Jewish Exec At Google, Andy Rubin, Forced A Woman To Have Oral Sex , Still Gets $90M And ‘Hero’s Farewell”

Google exec given $90M and ‘hero’s farewell’ following sexual misconduct allegations: NY Times

Andy Rubin, the “father of Android,” amicably left Google in October 2014. However, a New York Times report says Rubin had been accused of sexual misconduct and Google determined its credibility in an investigation. Instead of firing Rubin, the company gave him a $90 million exit package. Google’s CEO has emailed employees in response to the story.

Reports say Google found credible allegations that Andy Rubin forced employee to perform oral sex – but paid him millions even after he left

Source: Google gave top executive $90m payoff but kept sexual misconduct claim quiet – report | Technology | The Guardian

GOOGLE has been accused of covering up alleged sexual misconduct by the creator of its Android mobile software – by handing him a £70million exit package. Andy Rubin was given a hero’s farewell whe…

Source: Google ‘covered up sexual misconduct of Android creator Andy Rubin’ — before giving him £70m payoff

On Thursday, The New York Times published more details about the allegation that led to Android founder Andy Rubin’s dismissal from Google in 2014. Incidents included paying women for ‘ownership relationships,’ bondage sex videos on his work computer, and allegedly pressuring a woman into giving him

Source: Google exec Andy Rubin faces detailed sexual misconduct allegations: NYT – Business Insi der
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Google protected former Android exec Andy Rubin after he “coerced” a coworker into having oral sex, according to the New York Times

Source: Google Shielded Andy Rubin After Android Exec ‘Coerced’ Woman Into Oral Sex (Report)

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