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Alex Jones: Space Alien NAZIs Did 9/11, Not Zionists As All The Evidence Seems To Show

Alex Jones: Space Alien NAZIs Did 9/11, Not Zionists As All The Evidence Seems To Show

Zionist Gate-Keeper Alex Jones: “U.S. Covered Up Saudi Role In 9/11” Says Nothing About Israel’s Role
Gatekeeper Alex Jones


REAL TRUTH: by Jack Allen – U.S. Government Covered Up The Minor Role Of Saudi Role and the Major Role Of Israel, Zionists and Zionist Puppet Politicians Embedded In The US Government in 9/11. This is more proof that Alex Jones is a Zionist Shill. He knew Israel’s major involvement years ago but now plays the NAZI BS and uses Zionist Gate-Keeper Drudge Report to push the Zionist misdirection. Look beyond Alex Jones’ BS but on occasion he does expose some truth as long it is not related to Jews, Israel and Zionist crimes. He is no different than the other Zionist Controlled Media propagandists like CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NY Times and so many others.

Israel did 9/11 – All the Proof in the World

Related Video: David Duke Exposes Alex Jones On His Own Show The He Is a Zionist Shill

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