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Armed New Black Panthers At An Anti-Islam Rally In Texas

Armed New Black Panthers At An Anti-Islam Rally In Texas

Who are the New Black Panther Party

By Jack Allen

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Who are the New Black Panther Party? The obvious Jewish agenda front Southern Poverty Law Center says they are “A virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers” but the Southern Poverty Law Center also looks for Holocaust Denial groups and I find that truly amazing since Jews like Stalin’s BOLSHEVIK JEWS and COMMUNIST JEWS mass murdered the most people in history. So obviously the Southern Poverty Law Center is not going after the biggest hate group of all time the Jews. Also remember Zionist Jews in Israel kill innocent Palestinians daily. Zionists push Muslim hate via controlled media. Controlled Zionist media goes after anyone that goes against the Zionist Global agenda. Zionist politicians seem to be pushing a Zionist war agenda by attacking Muslim countries. Zionist propaganda is used today like it has been used in the past. They can demonize anyone and can brainwash people to embrace historic lies.

The Southern Poverty Law Center says that the old Black Panthers are different than the New Black Panthers.

Chief spokesman for the New Black Panther Party, Washington, D.C., attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz says “We will never bow down to the white, Jewish, Zionist onslaught”

So the New Black Panthers standing up for religious freedom is a good thing. Calling out the Zionist onslaught is a good thing since Zionism is more of an agenda than anything else, but if the New Black Panthers are anti-white that would be a hate crime. Not really 100% sure of what the New Black Panthers agenda is. They could just be another group created to cause division in our country.

Demonic Acting Israeli Soldier Who Shot Wounded Palestinian In The Head Is Free

Screen Shot 2016-04-04 at 3.18.52 AMA group of armed activists from the Huey P. Newton Gun Club joined with local residents to protest against an anti-Islam rally taking place in front of a mosque in Dallas, Saturday, April 2, 2016


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