Home // Big Brother News // Bizarre Oddities: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Site Brags About Hacking the Vote

Bizarre Oddities: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Site Brags About Hacking the Vote

HillarysStoolThe Clinton Chronicles


Hillary Clintons Campaign SiteSmoking Gun Posted by Jim Stone About Hidden Text on Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Site That Brags About Hacking the Vote and Asking For Programming Help

‘Go to Hillary Clinton’s campaign web site and on the front page, view the page source. Above the head statement, there is Hillary’s campaign logo in ASCII art and hidden text that appears to brag about rigging the election:

And when you go to the link that is in that text, it is a jobs page requesting “senior software engineers” to join Hillary’s campaign!

I can’t believe she has not fixed this yet, because it is more than a smoking gun, it is a truck mounted 5,000 round chain feed actively shooting with a glowing barrel.’

Read more: Smoking Gun Posted by Jim Stone About Hidden Text on Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Site That Brags About Hacking the Vote and Asking For Programming Help

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