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Offbeat News: Slushie Meltdown – Ohio Woman Attacks McDonald’s Employees Due To Refusal To Mix Slushie Flavors

Offbeat News: Ohio Woman Attacks McDonald’s Employees Due To Refusal To Mix Slushie Flavors By Dave DeNatale Police in Ravenna were called to the McDonald’s restaurant on Monday morning to deal with a report of a woman attacking employees behind the counter. When officers arrived at around 9:40 a.m., 44-year old Cherysse Cleveland was observed

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Offbeat News: Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop ‘Vagina’ candle randomly explodes, poses fire risk, class action claims

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop ‘Vagina’ Candle Randomly Explodes, Poses Fire Risk, Class Action Claims By Anna Bradley-Smith Lifestyle company Goop’s unique “This Smells Like My Vagina” candle does little to seduce, instead randomly exploding and posing risks to people and property, a new class action lawsuit alleges. The nationwide class action lawsuit was filed in California

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WTF File? Abortion Crazed Democrat: “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later”

Did he mean to say that out loud? At least he ADMITS it is actually “killing” someone Alabama State Rep John Rogers on abortion (D) – “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later.” 😳 Did he mean to say that out loud? At least he ADMITS it is

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Bizarre Oddities: Not So Funny! Kathy Griffin DEMANDS Catholic MAGA Boys Be DOXXED

Does everyone remember how everyone on the right was told they could say nothing against the far-left student who claimed victimhood in Parkland? Source: Kathy Griffin DEMANDS Catholic MAGA Boys Be DOXXED, Blames Trump Kathy Griffin DEMANDS Catholic MAGA Boys Be DOXXED, Blames Trump By S.Noble Does everyone remember how everyone on the right was

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Bizarre Oddities: The Israel Deception – Christians Are Being Fooled To Follow Evil And Satan?

The Israel Deception – Christians Are Being Fooled To Follow Evil And Satan? Alarming sign of the Antichrist agenda – A group of extremist rabbis and Demonic Fools announced their plans to resume ancient Temple practices of human and animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem By JJ Allen A Jewish friend of mine

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Bizarre Oddities: Globalist U2 Singer Bono Goes Demonic With His Hate Of Blonde And Blue-Eyed Swedes

Bono Declares His Racist Hatred of Swedes in Wake of Election Henrik discuss what the Globalist and U2 singer Bono (Paul David Hewson) said at a concert in France in the wake of the Swedish election. Bono declares his open racist hatred of Swedes and came down on how Swedes look. Saying that the traits

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Bizarre Oddities: Big Tech Wants To Replace God With Their Created AI God

Bizarre Oddities: Big Tech Wants To Replace God With Their Created AI God Society is to the point that a millionaire and former Google employee has officially started a church to worship AI as a God in Silicon Valley… and he doesn’t appear to be joking.   Video: Will You Worship the AI God? In

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Stupid Criminal File: World’s Dumbest And Clumsiest Criminal Drops Gun And Then Drops Pants During BB Gun Robbery Of E-Cigarette Store

World’s Dumbest And Clumsiest Criminal Drops Gun And Then Drops Pants During BB Gun Robbery Of E-Cigarette Store Colo. cops searching for man who dropped gun, pants during robbery The gun fell to the feet of the store clerk, who picked it up while the man ran away By Kirk Mitchell The Denver Post AURORA,

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Bizarre Oddities: Why Do The Elites Participate In Child Sacrifice At Bohemian Grove?

Why Do The Elites Participate In Child Sacrifice At Bohemian Grove? by Richard Enos, Collective Evolution: The Facts: Dark rituals like the ‘Cremation of Care’ performed every year at Bohemian Grove, whether an actual or a mock sacrifice, impacts participants by dulling and eliminating their ‘care’–their empathy for others and their conscience. Reflect On: As

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Stranger Than Fiction: Creepy Jerry Seinfeld Goes Cannibal, Salivates Over “Young Human Flesh”

Stranger Than Fiction: Jewish Comedian Jerry Seinfeld Goes Cannibal, Salivates Over “Young Human Flesh” Is this why some Non-Jews have accused Jews of “blood libel” (Jewish ritual murder of children) over the years? Even if it is just a joke Jerry, it is still very creepy.  Come in out of the darkness, and strike

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Bizarre Oddities: CNN Becomes The Cannibal News Network – CNN Presenter Eats Real HUMAN BRAIN

Bizarre Oddities: CNN Becomes The Cannibal News Network – CNN Presenter Eats Real HUMAN BRAIN UK’s Daily Mail Reports…… CNN presenter Reza Aslan sparks backlash after he eats HUMAN BRAIN while filming with Hindu cannibal sect  Reza Aslan’s latest episode of his series, Believer, focused on the Aghori sect  They are a tiny and extreme

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Bizarre Oddities: Rothschild Linked Magazine Pulls Donald Trump From Strange Occult Tarot Card Cover

Bizarre Oddities: Rothschild Linked Magazine Pulls Donald Trump From Strange Occult Tarot Card Cover Why did the Economist Magazine seemingly pull Trump from the cover? And the Mystery deepens….. Mystery!! A CODED MESSAGE That TRUMP Will NOT Be President? REALIST NEWS – (Economist Magazine Update) & Web Bot Hit – Rivers in the Sky &

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Bizarre Oddities: Russian Agent Jason Stalin Admits Hillary Clinton And Zionist Controlled Media Is Right About Trump Win

Bizarre Oddities: Russian Agent Jason Stalin Admits Hillary Clinton And Zionist Controlled Media Is Right About Trump Win   Russian Agent Jason Stalin comes forward to admit Hillary, the DNC and all the lying pundits and purveyors of fake news are correct – Russia did hack the U.S. elections to install their man, Donald Trump.

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Celebrity Cannibalism Dinner EXPOSED #PizzaGate Is VERY Scary – The Darkest Secrets Revealed

Celebrity Cannibalism Dinner EXPOSED #PizzaGate Is VERY Scary – The Darkest Secrets Revealed Is Google And Youtube Helping Controlled Media Censor The Satanic #PizzaGate Scandal? #PizzaGate BANNED from YouTube YouTube Is Deleting My #PizzaGate Videos Without My Permission. The Darkest Secrets Revealed – Ole Dammegard & Carine Hutsebaud Pizzagate – Deleted Celebrity Cannibalism Dinner with

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Bizarre Oddities: Satanists Posing As Artist? The Strange Mind Of Marina Abramovic – How To Eat A Human, #PizzaGate Is Scary

Bizarre Oddities: Satanists Posing As Artist? The Strange Mind Of Marina Abramovic – How To Eat A Human, #PizzaGate Is Scary Strange Video: Kreëmart at the MoCA Annual Gala 11/12/11 with Marina Abramovic and Deborah Harry Update: Video Removed From Youtube After This Article Was Released New source of video below Kreëmart at the MoCA

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Do Vampires, Satanists & Pedophiles Run The World? Are These Control Freaks Sucking Blood To Live Longer?

Do Vampires, Satanists & Pedophiles Run The World? Are These Control Freaks Sucking Blood To Live Longer? By David Icke David Icke Exposes George H W Bush Pizzagate and The BEAST System – Fritz Springmeier Reality Calls – #PizzaGate: The Elite are Involved with Pedophilia The David Icke Videocast: Jimmy Savile, Paedophilia, Satanism and the Royal

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Satan’s Pyramid Of Insanity Rules The World – Don’t Let Lies And Propaganda From Primitive Creatures Enslave You?

Satan’s Pyramid Of Insanity Rules The World – Don’t Let Lies And Propaganda From Primitive Creatures Enslave You? By Jack Allen Did you wake up this morning and turn on the TV or read a newspaper to get the latest update of so-called world events or did you wake up this morning and think for

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Bizarre Oddities: The Reality Of The Satanic #PizzaGate Is Way Beyond Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Eyes Wide Shut’

Bizarre Oddities: The Reality Of The Satanic #PizzaGate Is Way Beyond Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ The PIZZAGATE pedo ring just got darker and more evil than what Stanley Kubrick showed us in his film ‘Eyes Wide Shut’. Thanks to Joe Biggs for helping get this information out. Related Video: #PizzaGate: Owner Of Pizza Restaurant

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Bizarre Oddities: More Of Creepy Tony Podesta’s Art Collection – Part Of A Satanic Cult? #PizzaGate #SpiritCooking

Bizarre Oddities: More Of Creepy Tony Podesta’s Art Collection – Part Of A Satanic Cult? #PizzaGate Shocking Playlist On PizzaGate Video: #PizzaGate: Shocking Accounts From Children (The Hampstead Cover Up)

Andrew Breitbart: “F*ck You John Podesta” Connected John Podesta To Pedophile Network Years Ago #PizzaGate

Andrew Breitbart: “F*ck You John Podesta” Connected John Podesta To Pedophile Network Years Ago #PizzaGate It appears that Andrew Breitbart was aware of John Podesta’s involvement with an elaborate pedophile network. Was Andrew murdered for knowing too much? [embedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtOp9jsQcqE][/embed] Related Video: Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult

Bizarre Oddities: Shock Claim – Barack Obama Is Gay And His Wife Is A Tranny – Kids Are Adopted And Real Parents Found

Bizarre Oddities: Shock Claim – Barack Obama Is Gay And His Wife Is A Tranny – Kids Are Adopted And Real Parents Found These opinions are from the video creators BARACK OBAMA’S CONNECTION TO PIZZAGATE & HIS LUST FOR “HOTDOGS!” (#PIZZAGATE, WIKILEAKS)

Vampire People – They Walk Amongst Us – #PizzaGate #SpiritCooking #SatanicHollywood #MarinaAbramovic #MarkOfTheBeast #Kabbalists #Satanists

Vampire People – They Walk Amongst Us – #PizzaGate #SpiritCooking #SatanicHollywood #MarinaAbramovic #MarkOfTheBeast The Satanic Evil Kosher Tax Forced On You Opinion By Jack Allen Non-Jews are unaware that all food products marked with the “K” or “U” Symbols have been TAXED by Jewish Rabbis, that sucks blood from baby boy’s penises during their rituals.

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Bizarre Oddities: #PizzaGate Is Very Real And Very Disturbing – Why The Red Shoes?

Bizarre Oddities: #PizzaGate Is Very Real And Very Disturbing – Why The Red Shoes? The PizzaGate scandal gets stranger everyday. Red shoe reference in the video Hans Christian Andersen (1845) NCE upon a time there was little girl, pretty and dainty. But in summer time she was obliged to go barefooted because she was poor, and

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Have You Heard Of PizzaGate? Hillary And Bill Clinton Linked To A Satanic Pedophile Ring?

Have You Heard Of PizzaGate? Hillary And Bill Clinton Linked To A Satanic Pedophile Ring? NEVER Take Your Children To THIS ´Pizza Party´ (2016) An Open Secret The Pizza-Related Pedophile Ring PODESTA, COMET PIZZA, and PEDOS (WARNING GRAPHIC) The WEIRDEST Of WIKILEAKS (2016)