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Shocking Video: Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine

Israel’s Second 9/11 and the U.S./Israeli Genocide in Gaza

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Shocking Mini Hidden Camera Shows – Corporate, Big Pharma Plot to Fire Tucker Carlson

Fox News producer Sean Langille admitting that host Tucker Carlson’s firing was tied to the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit, as well as a Big Pharma pressure campaign.

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GATES VACCINE DEATHS: Worldwide Bill Gates is being accused of Pandemic Fraud and Vaccine Murder

Bill Gates along with Fauci, CDC, FDA and others said the Covid mRNA Vaccines only stay in the injection site which was a deliberate lie because he knew the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles would pass the blood brain barrier and travel throughout the body into the brain, heart, fetus and even into the brain of the fetus.

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Nashville Was/Were Pronouns Transgender Mass Shooter – Police Have Released The Shocking Surveillance Video

Today, a mass shooter murdered three children and three adults at a Christian school in Nashville, TN. The murderer (pronouns: was/were) was transgender and had written a manifesto detailing their intentions.

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The Budding Biosecurity State And It’s Technocratic Culmination

The growing biosecurity state, how we got here, and what this inevitably leads to

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Killer Jab For Thee But Not For Me – CEO Of Major Big Pharma Company In Spain Charged With Faking His Covid Vaccine Status

Police in Spain have charged the president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19.

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Adverse Clinical Event – Murderous Outcomes, A Pfizer Docs Reveals Between 82-97% Of Pregnant Women Lost Their Babies

Video: “A Pfizer document reveals between 82-97% of pregnant women lost their babies. 45% of the 270 pregnant mothers reported adverse clinical events, and more than 60% of these were serious.”

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Davos is back! So what are the latest dystopian ideas being discussed by Klaus and his WEF billionaire buddies?

Davos is back! So what are the latest dystopian ideas being discussed by Klaus and his WEF billionaire buddies as they plot a better world for all of them… sorry, us?

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Shock Claim: Death By Shots and 5G – Monkeypox As Weapon Of Mass Destruction?

Video Content: 5G exposure is KILLING our citizens. Karen Kingston came prepared to share all of the information that she discovered, regarding the direct links between 5G radiation and COVID-19.

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The Globalists’ Takeover Of The Food System Is Underway – Total Control Of You!

The globalist takeover agenda is nothing if not comprehensive. They’re coming at us from every possible angle, and whether we’re talking about biosecurity, finance, housing, health care, energy, transportation or food, all the changes we’re now seeing have one goal, and that is to force compliance with the globalists’ agenda.

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Scary Tech: “As part of this plan, the WHO has contracted Deutsche Telekom to develop a global vaxx passport system, with plans to link every person on the planet to a QR code digital ID.”

The WHO recently announced plans for an international pandemic treaty tied to a digital passport and digital ID system. Meeting in December 2021 in a special session for only the second time since the WHO’s founding in 1948, the Health Assembly of the WHO adopted a single decision titled, “The World Together.”

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WTF File: History’s greatest Freudian slip? George W Bush accidentally condemned the ‘unjustified and brutal’ Iraq invasion

Video by Russell Brand – WTF File, George W Bush accidentally condemned the ‘unjustified and brutal’ Iraq invasion

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Crimes And Coverups: Members of Congress Still Lie To USS Liberty Survivors About the Attack On Their Ship

It’s been what?  Over 50 years?  And Members of Congress are still lying about the attack on the USS Liberty. Not only lying about the attack but lying about the attack to us — to our face.  To the ones who were actually on the ship during the attack. Where do these lies come from? 

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Lauren Witzke Takes On The Opioid Crisis, Demographic Replacement & Christian Values Under Attack

Lauren Witzke, a political activist and former Republican nominee in the 2020 Senate election joins Lana @ RedIce to discuss a wide variety of issues. Since she was recently in Idaho, she speaks on the importance of keeping red states red.

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Twitter Lead Client Partner Says Woke “Ideology” Responsible For Company’s Inability to “Profit”

Twitter Executive Mocks Elon Musk for Believing Public can ‘Make Their Own Decision’ on Platform … ‘The Rest of Us Who Have Been Here Believe in Something that’s Good for the Planet, and Not Just to Give People Free Speech’

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What We Know Is Israel, Zionists and Zionist Puppet Politicians Did 9/11

What we know is Israel, Zionists and Zionist puppet politicians did 9/11. Saudi Arabia played a small role. The only possible criminals and the ones that benefited are Israel, Zionists and Zionist puppet politicians. How in the world do people not know this fact? Source: Press TV: Fifteen of the 9/11 “hijackers” from Saudi Arabia

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Press Release: New Album Release: “Dream State” by “The Truth Tale” – New Music

New Release: Dream State by The Truth Tale – New Album Available On Amazon Artist Resource: Get 7% Discount Off On Your Music Distribution With Distrokid Tags: New Album, Dream State, The Truth Tale, New Release, New Music, Music

Shocker: Former Jew Says Coming World War 3 Will Usher In The Anti-Christ, A Jew World Order

Shocker: Former Jew Says Coming World War 3 Will Usher In The Anti-Christ, A Jew World Order Video By Brother Nathanael Tags: Brother Nathanael, WW3, World War 3, Anti-Christ, New World Order, NWO

Shocking Report: Will A Satanic Pedophile Scandal Bring Down Politicians & UK’s Royals?

Will A Globalist Murderous Satanic Pedophile Scandal Bring Down Politicians & UK’s Royals? David Icke – Two Hour Special on Royal And Political Paedophilia Talking on the Richie Allen Show – How the Global Pieces Fit. Incredible Information! This Is Shocking Stuff That Some Viewers May Find Disturbing! By David Icke Please circulate far and wide.

Anti-Illuminati Hacker Guccifer Warns Of Chicago Nuke Attack Planned For 2015

Guccifer – The Romanian Hacker Warns Of Chicago Nuke Attack Planned For 2015 Guccifer – the Romanian hacker who accessed private email accounts of numerous top government & military officials as well as the Bush family – is quoted in the New York Times as predicting a nuclear attack on Chicago sometime in 2015. Related

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Secret Features Hidden in Your Very Creepy Spy Smart TV

Don’t Be The Sheep: Secret Features Hidden in Your Very Creepy Spy Smart TV. Bet you didn’t know your Smart TV could do this! The Truth Tale 2011 – 2014 – Five Album Bundle – Get It Now Tags: Spy TV,

Actor John Cusack Awakens To The NWO? Calls Henry Kissinger A Mass Murdering Globalist Scum!

Actor John Cusack Awakens To The NWO? Calls Henry Kissinger A Mass Murdering Globalist Scum! Video: How WeAreChange Confronted Henry Kissinger for the Third Time Tags: John Cusack, Globalists, Henry Kissinger, Shadow Government, NWO, New World Order,

Utopia Film – Oprah Wants Some People To Die, Are You On Her List?

Alex Jones talks with film maker Joel Gilbert about his latest film There’s No Place Like Utopia and plays clips from the movie as Joel breaks it down for the audience. Theres No Place Like Utopia Buy: Theres No Place Like Utopia Tags: Oprah, Joel Gilbert, Utopia Movie, There’s No Place Like Utopia

End Times? Scary Government Website Predicts Total Collapse of America by 2025

End Times? Scary Government Website Predicts Total Collapse of America by 2025. End of Days, End of Our Ways – Time Lost End Of Days: Related Media Related Video Below: THE END OF AMERICA 2014-2016: “IT’S WORSE THAN YOU KNOW” – MARTIAL LAW drills across the country, liberties being stripped away daily, the increasing biometric presence,

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Obama’s Ebola Czar Is Big On Population Control, The Walking Dead Predicted the Ebola Outbreak

Obama’s new ‘Ebola Czar’ Ron Klain is an enthusiastic advocate of population control who thinks that there are too many people. CIA and U.S. military involvement in the use of biological pathogens as weapons is well documented. But surely the creators of The Walking Dead are just conspiracy theorists. Tags: Ebola, The Walking Dead, Population Control, biological

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