Home // Big Brother News // Crowds Demand David Cameron Resignation Over Panama Papers – But No Mention That He Is Also A Zionist War Monger Puppet

Crowds Demand David Cameron Resignation Over Panama Papers – But No Mention That He Is Also A Zionist War Monger Puppet

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Crowds Demand David Cameron Resignation Over Panama Papers – But No Mention That He Is Also A Zionist War Monger Puppet

Opinion By Jack Allen

But of corse the Tax Debt Slave Zombies in the UK are not protesting their enslavement to the Zionist Rothschild Central banks, they just want Cameron who is a Rothschild Zionist puppet to resign after being exposed as playing a tax shelter game. UK zombies pay over 50% of their income to taxes and only get upset when they find out Cameron, who is a Zionist mass murdering puppet warmonger was a little tax dodger as well! So many brainless sheep in the world.

From RT

‘A massive protest has gathered in front of PM David Cameron’s residence at 10 Downing Street, calling for his resignation. The rally follows the so-called Panama Papers leak, which among others exposed the offshore dealings of Cameron’s late father.

The massive and largely peaceful rally right in front of 10 Downing Street saw hundreds of protesters gathering while shouting “Resign, resign!”

“Cameron must go!” and “Tories out!” read the placards held by the demonstrators, RUPTLY’s live feed showed. A huge paper pig was erected by the protesters, with Cameron’s image pinned to its face.’

Read more: Crowds demand Cameron resignation over Panama Papers – but it’s not enough
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