Home // Food & Wine // Did That Last Glass Of Wine Make You Feel Weird, Itchy And Sick? A Wine Allergy, Arsenic In Wine Or Maybe Radioactive Wine?

Did That Last Glass Of Wine Make You Feel Weird, Itchy And Sick? A Wine Allergy, Arsenic In Wine Or Maybe Radioactive Wine?

Did That Last Glass Of Wine Make You Feel Weird, Itchy And Sick?

By Jack Allen

I like a glass of wine now and then and I normally try to buy organic wine when available. I try to buy all my food organic and Non-GMO. So I am very picky about what I put in my body. But several weeks ago I was shopping at the normal place that I have been buying wine and decided to buy a case of California wine that was on sale for a family and friend get together that was coming up.

Before this get together I opened a bottle of this California Wine called Pacific Peak and tried a glass and about an hour later I started to feel itchy, hot and a little sick. This is not scientific and I am not saying at this time, that this wine is bad plus at the time I had no clue what the issue was, but several days latter I tried a another glass of the same Pacific Peak Cabernet Sauvignon and had the same reaction. So that was it for me, I discarded this wine.

I started researching on the net to see if their was any issues reported about this brand of wine. I could not find any negative reports and I even called the store to see if any other people had issues with this wine. They said no and indicated it was a popular seller. This Pacific Peak brand in my view is similar to Trader Joe’s Charles Shaw.

But to my shock I did find some interesting information about California wines that I thought I should share. Read below.

Full List: Wines Named In A Lawsuit Over High Levels Of Arsenic

Full List: Wines Named In A Lawsuit Over High Levels Of Arsenic


It’s been one day since a lawsuit was filed claiming 28 California wineries are producing wines with dangerously high levels of arsenic.

Court documents allege three separate testing laboratories skilled in arsenic testing each confirmed that several California wineries are producing wines with high levels of the toxin, ”in some cases, up to 500 percent or more than what is considered the maximum acceptable safe daily intake limit.”

The lawsuit is just that: a lawsuit. And neither judge nor jury has weighed in on the allegations. Still, the story has gone viral on social media, with many posts wondering just which wines are included in the suit.

Well, here they are:

  1. Acronym’s GR8RW Red Blend 2011
  2. Almaden’s Heritage White Zinfandel
  3. Almaden’s Heritage Moscato
  4. Almaden’s Heritage White Zinfandel
  5. Almaden’s Heritage Chardonnay
  6. Almaden’s Mountain Burgundy
  7. Almaden’s Mountain Rhine
  8. Almaden’s Mountain Chablis
  9. Arrow Creek’s Coastal Series Cabernet Sauvignon 2011
  10. Bandit’s Pinot Grigio
  11. Bandit’s Chardonnay
  12. Bandit’s Cabernet Sauvignon
  13. Bay Bridge’s Chardonnay
  14. Beringer’s White Merlot 2011
  15. Beringer’s White Zinfandel 2011
  16. Beringer’s Red Moscato
  17. Beringer’s Refreshingly Sweet Moscato
  18. Charles Shaw White Zinfandel 2012
  19. Colores del Sol’s Malbec 2010
  20. Glen Ellen by Concannon’s Glen Ellen REserve Pinot Grigio 2012
  21. Concannon’s Selected Vineyards Pinot Noir 2011
  22. Glen Ellen by Concannon’s Glen Ellen Reserve Merlot 2010
  23. Cook’s Spumante
  24. Corbett Canyon’s Pinot Grigio
  25. Corbett Canyon’s Cabernet Sauvignon
  26. Cupcake’s Malbec 2011
  27. Fetzer’s Moscato 2010
  28. Fetzer’s Pinot Grigio 2011
  29. Fisheye Pinot Grigio 2012
  30. Flipflop’s Pinot Grigio 2012
  31. Flipflop’s Moscato
  32. Flipflop’s Cabernet Sauvignon
  33. Foxhorn’s White Zinfandel
  34. Franzia’s Vintner Select White Grenache
  35. Franzia’s Vintner Select White Zinfandel
  36. Franzia’s Vintner Select White Merlot
  37. Franzia’s Vintner Select Burgundy
  38. Hawkstone’s Cabernet Sauvignon 2011
  39. HRM Rex Goliath’s Moscato
  40. Korbel’s Sweet Rose Sparkling Wine
  41. Korbel’s Extra Dry Sparkling Wine
  42. Menage a Trois’ Pinot Grigio 2011
  43. Menage a Trois’ Moscato 2010
  44. Menage a Trois’ White Blend 2011
  45. Menage a Trois’ Chardonnay 2011
  46. Menage a Trois’ Rose 2011
  47. Menage a Trois’ Cabernet Sauvignon 2010
  48. Menage a Trois’ California Red Wine 2011
  49. Mogen David’s Concord
  50. Mogen David’s Blackberry Wine
  51. Oak Leaf’s White Zinfandel
  52. Pomelo’s Sauvignon Blanc 2011
  53. R Collection by Raymond’s Chardonnay 2012
  54. Richards Wild Irish Rose’s Red Wine
  55. Seaglass’s Sauvignon Blanc 2012
  56. Simply Naked’s Moscato 2011
  57. Smoking Loon’s Viognier 2011
  58. Sutter Home’s Sauvignon Blanc 2010
  59. Sutter Home’s Gewurztraminer 2011
  60. Sutter Home’s Pink Moscato
  61. Sutter Home’s Pinot Grigio 2011
  62. Sutter Home’s Moscato
  63. Sutter Home’s Chenin Blanc 2011
  64. Sutter Home’s Sweet Red 2010
  65. Sutter Home’s Riesling 2011
  66. Sutter Home’s White Merlot 2011
  67. Sutter Home’s Merlot 2011
  68. Sutter Home’s White Zinfandel 2011
  69. Sutter Home’s White Zinfandel 2012
  70. Sutter Home’s Zinfandel 2010
  71. Trapiche’s Malbec 2012
  72. Tribuno’s Sweet Vermouth
  73. Vendange’s Merlot
  74. Vendange’s White Zinfandel
  75. Wine Cube’s Moscato
  76. Wine Cube’s Pink Moscato 2011
  77. Wine Cube’s Pinot Grigio 2011
  78. Wine Cube’s Pinot Grigio
  79. Wine Cube’s Chardonnay 2011
  80. Wine Cube’s Chardonnay
  81. Wine Cube’s Red Sangria
  82. Wine Cube’s Sauvignon Blanc 2011
  83. Wine Cube’s Cabernet Sauvignon/Shiraz 2011

Note:, Any wines listed without specific years are non-vintage, meaning the grapes used did not come from a single year.

— Patch file photo.

Wine allergy: What are the symptoms and common causes?

by: Jo Beck

(NaturalNews) It is well known that drinking wine has positive effects on health when taken in moderation. Wine contains antioxidants that protect cells against damage. But who knows about wine allergy and the effect that it can have on health? Whereas a true wine allergy is rare, it is not uncommon to experience intolerance-like symptoms such as rashes, diarrhea and vomiting (aside from drinking too much…). Different chemicals and ingredients in wine can cause a reaction. What are these reactions and what are the symptoms caused by?

Common wine allergy symptoms

Allergy symptoms occur when the immune system overreacts to an allergen. If there is an allergy, the immune system acts as if the allergen were dangerous, releasing a chemical called histamine that causes allergy symptoms. A reaction can be mild but may be life threatening in some cases. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that occurs suddenly and can worsen quickly. However it rarely happens with wine consumption.

The most common symptoms of a wine intolerance or allergy are: skin rashes, flushed skin, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath, stomach cramps, runny nose and swollen eyes. There are also long-term symptoms of wine intolerance, such as: eczema, headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue and low mood.

What are the symptoms of a wine intolerance caused by?

The symptoms are caused by an intolerance or immune reaction to some food ingredients or chemicals in wine. These issues have long been attributed to sulfites, but research now shows that other components such as glycoproteins may be to blame for this reaction to wine.

Sulfites occur naturally in the process of making wine. They are often added to wine as preservatives. Sulfites are not only found in wine and beer, but also in a large variety of foods like dried fruit. The FDA estimates that one out of 100 people is sensitive to sulfites. Since there are sulfites in other foods, why would people have a reaction to sulfites in wine only? Sulfites may not be the problem in wine sensitivity.

Glycoproteins are proteins that also occur in other fruits such as bananas and kiwis. While some glycoproteins get formed during the fermentation process, others just live in the grape itself. When consumed, they may trigger allergy symptoms. Once again, more research is needed to confirm this.

Also, it is not uncommon to be allergic to a specific grape variety. For instance, red wine seems to trigger more symptoms than white wine. The Red Wine Headache (RWH) is a headache often accompanied by nausea and flushing that occurs after drinking even a single glass of red wine.

Sulfites are not the cause of RWH as almost all wine contains sulfites, including white wine. As for histamines (a chemical which occurs naturally in certain foods and which is also released in the body as part of an allergic reaction), studies found no difference in reactions to low and high histamine wine. What about tannins that give a red wine pigment and bitterness? There are other foods that contain tannin, such as tea or chocolate. If people do not react to a cup of tea, why would they react to tannin in red wine?

As a conclusion, there are a few theories for wine allergy. On the list of most possible causes are: prostaglandins, tyramine, yeast and bacteria, substances in the cork, and even the alcohol itself… This is not to say that more research is not needed to find the causes. For people who experience allergy symptoms, abstinence is likely to be the best option so far.

Sources for this article include:






About the author:
Originally from France, Joséphine Beck has qualification in digestive care and nutritional product advising, and holds a master degree in communication and information. She now lives in BC, Canada.
Joséphine is the founder of the website OptiDerma.com, through which she helps people find natural remedies for skin problems.

Learn More From Source Of The Article: http://www.naturalnews.com/041402_wine_allergies_symptoms_causes.html#

Wine Country’s Nuclear Threat

A nuclear facility in Washington state’s prime wine country is leaching radioactive groundwater and is one natural disaster away from Fukushima 2.0.

The Hanford Site, a former nuclear-weapons production facility located in southeastern Washington State near the Oregon border, is one natural disaster away from a Fukushima-like catastrophe, according to environmental groups who also claim the site—which sits near some of the state’s best vineyards—is leaking radioactive groundwater into the nearby Columbia River.

Activists blame the dangers on the slow pace of the U.S. government’s efforts to clean up the radioactive waste spread across the site’s 586 square-mile expanse and in the groundwater beneath it. Read More

Holy Fukushima – Radiation From Japan Is Already Killing North Americans

You’re going to want to use every share button at the bottom of this article once you’re done reading, so get ready, it’s time to freak out:  Maybe.


If you live on the west coast of Canada or the United States, you’re pretty much already screwed at this point thanks to the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2011.  Radiation levels are already increasing in the food and water, babies born with thyroid issues linked to radiation are rising quickly and governments in Canada and the United States are raising the “acceptable levels” of certain toxic substances in the food being shipped in from Japan.

How can we protect ourselves? First, be aware of what items are likely to be highly tainted.

1.)  SEAFOOD:  Question the origin of ALL seafood.  Fish and crustaceans from the Pacific Ocean should all be considered to be poisoned with radiation.

2.)  WATER:  The rainfall and snowfall are all radiated.  Do not drink any water that has not been filtered.   The tap water that flows from your faucet has NOT been treated to rid it of radioactive particles. A recent report from the NY Times stated, “A rooftop water monitoring program managed by UC Berkeley’s Department of Nuclear Engineering detected substantial spikes in rain-borne iodine-131 during torrential downpours …

3.) DAIRY PRODUCTS:  Milk and milk products from the West Coast states currently have the highest levels of radiation in North America.

4.)  PRODUCE:  Leafy Vegetables, Wines, Tomatoes, Strawberries….all produce from California or any other West Coast State are also likely to be tainted.

5.)  MEAT:  If an animal eats any leafy vegetable all along the West Coast, that animal has consumed radiation, and is poisoned.  This is any animal from cows, pigs, goats, sheep to wild deer and other game.

If you eat the above foods from areas with high radiation levels, you are eating radiation and feeding it to your children. Slowly the radiation levels within your body will build up.  This is PERMANENT. Read More

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