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Crazy Hillary Clinton Shows She Is As Crazy As Socialist Bernie Sanders

Crazy Hillary Clinton Shows She Is As Crazy As Socialist Bernie Sanders

Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 8.32.42 AMHillary Clinton Loses Patience with Greenpeace Activist Over Fossil Fuel Donations

Bernie Sanders Flips Out At Town Hall And Repeats The Lies And Propaganda About The Crimes Against Humanity Israel Has Done In GAZA.

Sanders shows he is very unstable and covers up mass murder and genocide.

Sanders Supporters Explain Socialism

Bernie Sanders And His Cult Of The Stupid, Drunk And Brain Dead – Bolshevik Jews Biggest Mass Murderers In History

The Truth About Socialism

Are Americans So Brainwashed And Stupid To Really Vote For Zionist Nuts Like Clinton, Sanders or Ted Cruz?

What Israel Thinks About Christians – Mocking Jesus on Israeli Zionist TV

A History Lesson

by Elizabeth Dilling

[page 69] Marxism, Socialism, or Communism in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights. As is discussed elsewhere herein, Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world’s population.

Only through thorough understanding of the ideology from which this collectivism originates, and those who dominate and propagate it, can the rest of the world hope to escape the same fate. Communism — Socialism was originated by Jews and has been dominated by them from the beginning.

There is no moral, philosophical or ethical conflict whatsoever between Judaism and Marxist collectivism as they exist in actual practice. Marxism, to which all branches of Socialism necessarily adhere, was originated by a Jew, Karl Marx, himself of Rabbinical descent. Every Jewish source today boasts of his rabbinical ancestry, and his “keen dialectical ability” (as presumably manifested by his abstruse, hairsplitting, Das Kapital) being due to his Talmudic inheritance.

Marx did not actually originate anything, but merely “streamlined” Talmudism for Gentile consumption. The Socialist” system he conceived merely brings about a practical means for a state dominated and controlled through a Jewish minority to rule by absolute dictatorship over everything and everyone, a concept which has been carried out very successfully in those countries of the World brought thus far under Marxist dictatorship.

Socialism is indeed merely the clover held in front of the cow’s nose to get her into the barn under the milking machine. It is a mechanism whereby a “human” can lead a whole non-human herd into the Jewish controlled barn.

The next time when some Christian dupe tells you: “Socialism is not Jewish!,” for one thing, pull out the pamphlet “Jew and Non-Jew,” put out by the Reform Jewish “Union of American Hebrew Congregations” and their “Central Conference of American Rabbis” and read:

Socialism was originated by Jews; and today Jews play a leading role in its spread and interpretation.” (page 30) (The Commission on Information about Judaism, Merchants Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, Exhibit I, page 71)

In a publication of the Jewish Publication Society of America, “Jewish Contributions to Civilization,” it is stated that, “We find a strong Jewish participation throughout the socialistic movement which, from its inception up to the present day. has been largely dominated by Jewish influence. (See Exhibit I page 71)

Says the 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia: “Jews have been prominently identified with the Socialist movement from its very inception.” (See Exhibit J, page 72)

The leaders of the 1917 Russian revolution were mostly Jews. (See Exhibit K, page 73)

Moses Hess —
Jewish Marxist and Progenitor of Zionism

Like Karl Marx, “Father of modern Socialism,” Moses Hess (1812-1875) was born in Germany of Talmudic rabbinical ancestry, being steeped in Orthodox Judaism by the rabbi grandfather who raised him. He was active with Marx and Engels in promoting Communism which, he held, could best be achieved on a world-wide scale through Jewish Hasidism and Nationalism, or Zionism, based upon Orthodox Judaism. That he remains a pillar of present-day Zionism is illustrated by the fact that the Jewish press has recently announced removal of his body to Israel.

“He collaborated with Marx in writing, ‘Die Deutsche Ideologie’ (1845) … his continued publicizing for practical socialism in Germany earned him a sentence of death after the 1848 revolution.” (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia)

His chief work, authorities agree, was “Rome and Jerusalem” (translated by Meyer Waxman and published in the United States in 1945 by the Block Publishing Co.). He rushed home in 1848, says the translator, from Paris, “taking an active part in the armed resistance of the people.” (page 22) “In 1845, Hess engaged in propagating the Communistic idea and founding societies devoted to its realization, an occupation which led Arnold Ruge to describe him as ‘The Communist Rabbi Moses.”’ (pp. 21-22)

It is stated that, “The fundamental principle of Hess’ thought … is based on the teaching of Spinoza, of which he was a devoted follower,” but he went further, says the translator, in expounding the “basic unit” of mind and matter, “the basic unity and its various unfoldings.”

Thus, he was considered a better pagan philosopher, even than the Jewish pantheist, Spinoza.

The translator quotes from a later article of Hess (page 30) in which Hess holds that Judaism: “began with the family of the individual and will finally end with a family of nations” (page 30). The Orthodox Jews have, “in his opinion, a much higher and truer conception of Judaism. They have retained … the kernel of Nationalism, and the desire for Jewish restoration … He advocated the colonization of Palestine … he also dreamed of a Jewish Congress, demanding the support of the Powers for the purchase of Palestine …” (page 32) [page 70]

Hess and Christianity

In his preface to “Rome and Jerusalem” Hess referred to Pope Innocent III (1198-1216 AD) and his decrees to compel Jews to wear distinctive badges and be identified as anti-Christians. “From the time of Innocent III … Papal Rome symbolized to the Jews an inexhaustible well of poison. It is only with the drying up of this source that Christian German Anti-Semitism will die from lack of nourishment. With the disappearance of the hostility of Christianity … to Judaism, with the liberation of the Eternal City on the slopes of Moriah; the renaissance of Italy heralds the rise of Judah … Springtime in the life of nations began with the French Revolution.” The translator’s footnote here (page 34-5) is “At the time when Hess wrote these lines, Italy, under the leadership of Garibaldi, was struggling to wrest Rome from the Papal government and annex it to the new unified Kingdom.”

Hess also stated, “Judaism has no other dogma but the teaching of the Unity.” (page 44) “… the Rabbis never separated the idea of a future world from the conception of the Messianic reign. Nachmanides insists … upon the identity of … ‘the world to come’ with the Messianic reign.” (page 46)

Sneering at Christianity, holding up the myth of a Jewish race (instead of the actuality, a breed of all races and nations), extolling the Talmud and delegating Moses to the inferior role given him therein (page 91), the whole cry of Hess was for Jewish world rule from Palestine “between Europe and far Asia … the roads that lead to India and China,” and he told Jewry:

“You have contributed enough to the cause of civilization and have helped Europe on the path of progress to make revolutions and carry them out successfully.” He called for Jews to “March forward!” and stated: “The world will again pay homage to the oldest of peoples.” (pp. 139-40) The “Talmud is the corner-stone of modern” Orthodoxy, (page 143). He looked to black magic, the occultism of Chasidism, which along with Zionism, was to achieve Communist dictatorship.” “The great good which will result from the combination of Chasidism with the national movement is almost incalculable,” (page 218), and he added, “Although the Chasidists are without social organization, they live in socialistic fashion.” (same)

The translator called Hess, in the 1918 edition Preface: “The herald of Nationalism and the trumpet of Zionism.”

Jewish Cover-up

The attempts of organized Jewry to cover-up its connections with Marxist collectivism are never-ending.

My book, The Octopus, (published under a pen name, 1940) refuted the lying propaganda of the powerful Jewish organization, B‘nai B‘rith in its brochure, widely copied by Christian dupes, entitled: “Answer Anti-Jewish Propaganda with Statistics.” The more-fitting title would have been “Answer Anti-Talmudic Truths with Lies.”

The B‘nai B‘rith “defenses” were more revealing than defending — if one knows the subject matter. For example, in Russia the Mensheviks were but a branch of the Socialist Second International, along with the Bolsheviks, all consisting almost entirely of Marxian Talmudic revolutionaries, with the same objectives. Hence the revealing nature of telling any informed person that Jews were supposedly not Communistic because: “The great part of the Russian Jewish population belonged to the Menshevik party, which was a Democratic party and opposed to the Bolshevik party.” (B‘nai B‘rith Article 5, page 12)

The smear tactic for the gullible was employed by B‘nai B‘rith concerning German Jewish Reds. To whitewash these of Red connotations, the same B‘nai B‘rith article (Article 5, page 11) stated that in Hitler Germany: “Most of the Jews were social Democrats.”

Turning to the authoritative 1920 New York State Committee Investigating Subversive Activities Report (the Committee was headed by Senator Clayton Lusk): “The principles of the Karl Marx Communist Manifesto were adopted as early as 1869 as the basis of the first Social Democratic Party.” And, in 1891, the Party’s “Congress… adopted a thorough and comprehensive Marxian position … which remained the basis of the Party from that time forward.

The Party had over 3,000,000 votes in 1903.” (N.Y. State Lusk Report pp.87-8) In Marx’s lifetime, it was led by his followers Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebels. Its left-wing, under the Jews, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, staged the bloody Spartacist revolution in attempting to Sovietize Germany, in which they were killed, January 15, 1919.

A short-lived Soviet in Hungary was set up by another Jew, Bela Kun (actual name, Cohen), in 1919. There were 32 days of murdering, torturing Christians, burning nuns alive in ovens and other atrocities, as related to me by eyewitnesses. When this regime fell, Jews and their cohorts who conducted it were killed in large numbers by outraged citizens.

Of this the above New York Lusk report stated under the index: Hungarian and Soviet governments principally Jewish:”

“Of thirty-two principal Commissars, twenty-five were Jews, which was about the same proportion as in Russia.”

Jewish encyclopedias and authoritative histories admit the Jewishness of Bolshevik leaders.

Attempted Cover-up on
the Jewish Bund

The same B‘nai B‘rith publication states as to Jewry in Russia:

“As for the part of Jewry which was united politically as Jewish, it grouped itself in the only mass-like Jewish party, the Bund. The Bund as well as the Zionists have been persecuted by Bolshevism from the first days of the October upheaval of 1917 to the present day …” (Article 5, p.30)

The Jews’ own authorities refute these false statements, [page 74] however, and show the active participation of the Bund in the Russian Red Revolutions, and the Red regime which followed.

[NB: Pages 71, 72, and 73 of Dilling’s book consist of Exhibits IJ, and K, respectively. Those exhibits are included on this web page and may be viewed via on the links provided herein. They are also listed in the Table of Exhibits.]

Note, for example, the official New York Jewish Communal Register report concerning the Central Verband of the Bund Organizations of America, and its purpose to aid the “Jewish Socialist Bund in Russia.” The same publication reveals (see Exhibit 242) Bund support of the then completed Bolshevik Red Revolution in Russia, stating:

“Since the Russian Revolution in 1917, the Central Verband of the Bund has been active in collecting funds to assist the Russian Bund in its work against counter-revolution forces and against the agitation by the Black Hundred for massacre of the Jews.”

Pages 1256-61 of the same Kehilla report, not reproduced here, tell how the Russian Bund in this country formed the Jewish Socialist Federation of America, and was foremost in organizing the 1915 National Workmen’s Committee of radicals, representing: “a total membership of half a million Jewish workmen … representative of all radical wings.” (page 1448 of same, See Exhibit 239)


“A net of Bund branches was spread throughout the United States and Canada. For a number of years these branches, whose primary object was to collect funds for the Bund in Russia, were the most active and influential bodies in the Jewish radical world. Their members formed the vanguard of the Workmen’s Circle and swelled the ranks of the Jewish trade unions. The activities of the branches were coordinated and supervised by a Central Verband …” (page 1257 same report, not reproduced here)

The falsity of the alleged “persecution” of the Bund is best described in the 1943 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (under “Bund”):

“After the revolution of March, 1917, the Bund grew rapidly … It succeeded in electing 300 of its candidates to city councils and 515 to Jewish community boards … The Bolshevik revolution in October of the same year led to sharp conflict of opinion within the Bund. Certain groups immediately joined the Communist Party; others … formed separate Communist Bunds (Kombund) for a time, but soon after joined the Communist Party as well. The members who remained in the party decided at their 11th convention (1919) to favor a Soviet form of government … A year later the majority of the party had adopted the Communist platform and shortly afterwards were ready to liquidate the Bund itself and join the Communist Party. The conflicts reduced the Bund to a fraction of its former size.”

It is further stated that what was left of the Bund ceased to exist in 1920.

Jewish Marxist-Zionist Minority Power

Most non-Jews have no concept of the degree to which Jewry is organized to further its aims. But millions of U.S. Jews are participants and members in Zionist and Marxist organizations, the names of which are virtually unknown to non-Jews, let alone their activities. The most powerful of these organizations have existed for decades.

Much revealing material as to some of the organizations was contained in the Jewish Communal Register for 1917-18, excerpted photostats of which appear herein. This 1597 page book was the report of the Kehilla (Jewish Community) of New York City, 356 Second Avenue, New York City, for 1917-18. Just reading this publication alone dispels any delusion that “Jews,” so-called, are primarily citizens of the USA, or any country in which they live.

The Jewish Community Register concerns itself largely with the political structure of the New York “Kehilla” in which world control of Jewry is centered.

National Workmen’s Committee of 1915

Nationwide Jewish Marxism was sponsored in 1915 by the National Workmen’s Committee.

The National Workmen’s Committee, says the 1917-18 Kehilla Report (Exhibit 233) “was organized in the early part of 1915, by representatives of the four leading radical organizations, viz.: The Workmen’s Circle, the United Hebrew Trades, The Jewish Socialist Federation of America and the Forward Association.”

I have visited one of the fraternal insurance society headquarters and training schools of the Workmen’s Circle, where anarchist meetings are held and Karl Marx’s big picture adorns the walls. Their schools reported teaching some 10,000 children Yiddish and Marxism in recent years.

The United Hebrew Trades has always sent delegates to the Socialist international conferences.

The Forward Association, has published the “Forward,” in Yiddish, and which is currently the largest Socialist paper in the world.

The fourth organizer of the 1915 Committee was the red Jewish Socialist Federation.

“Over two hundred organizations were represented” the 18th of April, 1915, says this report. “Similar conferences were held in practically every important Jewish community all over the United States.”

Note (Exhibit 239) that the 1915 convention was held at a time when there were supposedly numerically only a small percentage of the Jews now in this country, but represented “a total membership of half a million Jewish workmen.” That is quite a large number indeed of organized Marxists with but one purpose in mind. They set out to propagandize the American people and the American government — and did.

The American Jewish Committee

The American Jewish Committee is the single most powerful body in world Jewry. Its membership then and now embraces world Jewish capitalists and moving powers.

[page 75] Note the wide range of activities of the Committee to influence national and international actions in favor of Jewry. (See Exhibits 227228229230231232234235, and 236)

Note in Exhibits 235 and 236, the powerful capitalistic Jews functioning on this all-powerful arbiter of world Jewry, the American Jewish Committee.

Louis Marshall was then, (1917 — 18) President of the Committee. It was he who served notice upon Henry Ford that he must cease telling the truth about the Talmudic cabal or else. According to the man perhaps closest to Henry Ford, Sr., high in the administration of his affairs, it was an attempt to assassinate Ford by driving his car off the road that caused Mrs. Ford to plead with Henry to cease his exposures of Talmudism through his Dearborn Independent. All the kowtowing now being done by the present-day Ford family to Jewry is but a repetition of what Ford exposed in his paper. One article, discussed later herein, on how President Taft was brought to his knees, refused a second term, then was decorated by B‘nai B‘rith and given a professorship at Yale — then addressed B‘nai B‘rith audiences and wrote internationalist propaganda until his death — is almost a replica of the job being done on the Fords.

Concerning Louis Marshall, the Communal Register states, “a great part of his life [was devoted] to the interests of the Jewish people,” and his part in the “abrogation of the treaty with Russia,” cannot be disputed. He is listed as “president of Temple Emanu-El,” his synagogue, and as Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, among other things.

The Marshalls have worked all sides of the street for Talmudic rule: the capitalistic, the educational, the Red revolutionary, the legal, the United Nations.

James, son of Louis, has (according to Who’s Who in American Jewry, 1938-9) headed the New York City school board and a string of Jewish communal organizations, and as a member of the law firm of Marshall, Bratter and Seligson, listed himself as director and a legal counsel of the Jewish-run Communist Garland Fund, which subsidized the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, run from its foundation in 1913 by the Jewish Spingarns (Joel, the brother Arthur). In Who’s Who In America, 1954-5, Joel boasts of arguing the Texas primary and first Area Zoning cases for the NAACP, going to the Supreme Court. He lists his positions as delegate and commission member for the USA of UNESCO, and as advisor to the US Commissions of UNESCO at Paris and Mexico City. He lists his vice-presidency of the American Jewish Committee in Who’s Who. (1964-5)

Brother Robert, son of Louis, Sr., died, leaving a fortune to be spent for Marxian purposes, in the Robert Marshall Foundation. Its benefits to almost every phase of Communistic activity are chronicled by the Dies Committee reports (Vol. 17, 1944 – Section 1-6, etc.). It is run by another of Louis’s sons, George.

Red George Marshall’s record is so clear and so voluminous that it leaves no doubt about his ideological devotion to the Soviet Union and the revolution upon which that government is based. He has 29 Communistic listings in the index of the Dies Report, all backed by documentary evidence.

A book could be written about other architects for world Talmudic power listed in the 1917-18 Kehillah listing of the American Jewish Committee.

There is Eugene Meyer, Jr., of the Federal Reserve and Washington Post; Herbert Lehman, New York Governor, financier and Senator; Felix M. Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., international bankers; Jacob Schiff, who then headed Kuhn, Loeb and Co.

We see that in 1939 Max Warburg, brother of Felix, of the Hamburg, Germany, bankers, appears on the American Jewish Committee’s “Institute on Peace and Post-War Problems,” set up with a ponderous staff and full equipment to go forward, as it did, to write and move the United Nations Charter into being, even before the USA entered World War II. Then we currently see Frederick M. Warburg, son of Felix Warburg, as a member of the American Jewish Committee, while his Hamburg relative, Max Warburg, who came here in 1939, serves on its “Post-war” Committee, as shown in the report of the American Jewish Committee in its American Jewish Year Book (Vol. 43, 1941-2, pp 751, 762).

Also listed in the 1917-18 Kehillah Register was Rabbi Judah L. Magnes of the Communist Garland Fund, protege of Jacob H. Schiff.

There was Cyrus L. Sulzberger, father of Arthur Hays Sulzberger, presently in control of the New York Times.

There was also Jacob Wertheim, father of Maurice, investment banker, industrialist of wide power, and director of the revolutionary Socialist Nation magazine and of that center of Marxian propaganda and Talmudic-Freudian sex-filth, the New School for Social Research, in New York.

Rabbi Wise

A book could be written about the Red activities of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, before, during and since the Russian Revolution.

He was a founder of the American Jewish Congress and its President from 1924 on. He was a committeeman of the Communist-aiding American Civil Liberties Union, and also the communist American League Against War and Fascism, before, and after its change of name to American League for Peace and Democracy, with Communist Earl Browder as its national vice-chairman, and Communist Party leaders as officials. He “committed” himself for the anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti, for Communist dynamiter Tom Mooney, for the National Religion and Labor Foundation, featuring atheist Soviet cartoons and distributing Toward Soviet America, by Communist William Z. Foster. He ardently backed the Communist burners of Spanish Christian churches. His American Jewish Congress greeted, and he spoke for, the American League for Peace and Democracy. Its official [page 76] program was the incitement of mutiny and sabotage within the armed forces to turn any war of the USA into a Red Revolution. Notes pledging this treason were read at their Congress in Chicago, which I attended.

Long and effusive memorials to Rabbi Wise appeared in the American Jewish Committee’s 1950 American Jewish Year Book:

“He was founder of the American Jewish Congress … He was the moving spirit and president of the World Jewish Congress from its organization in 1936 to his death … In 1897, as an organizer and secretary of the Federation of American Zionists, Stephen Wise ushered in a career of leadership in Zionism which brought him many high offices in the movement in America and throughout the world … more than any other American he was the outstanding symbol and advocate of Zionism, not only in the eyes of American Jews but also to the entire American people and its leaders, including Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt.”

This is but a small part of the tribute paid to Red Rabbi Wise in 1950 by the “conservative” American Jewish Committee, which also stated: “Toward the end of his life Rabbi Wise was greatly disturbed about the foreign policy of the United States which he felt was leading toward war with the Soviet Union … The last addresses he delivered in the weeks before his death were highlighted by attacks on those forces which he maintained were pushing his country toward war with Russia and which, he claimed, were attempting to suppress him. ‘I will not be silenced!’ were the last words this writer heard Rabbi Wise speak publicly, and they were most typical …” The same tributes close with fervent praises, and chronicle the fact that Wise had amalgamated his Jewish Institute of Religion in New York, which trains Rabbis, with Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio, whose founder and head until his death, Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, edited the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud, known as the Rodkinson translation. Isaac Wise had introduced so-called “Reform” Judaism into this country from Germany.

American Jewish Congress

Another powerful Marxist-Zionist Jewish organization, with 500,000 or more Jewish members, is the American Jewish Congress.

We see (Exhibit 224), how the 1917-18 Jewish Kehillah report boasted of Pinchas Rutenberg as a founding force in the American Jewish Congress, as well as being the right hand man to Jewish Premier A.F. Kerensky, at the time of the Russian Revolution.

Out of the Marxian welter of the “National Workmen’s Committee” of Reds in 1915, came the American Jewish Congress, now organized all over the world, with its New York headquarters named after Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. (See Exhibit 240)

We see (same Exhibit 224) Sholem Asch, author of deceitful “Christian” stories, who served on the staff of the socialist Yiddish Forward, then on that of the Stalinist Freiheit, also printed in Yiddish. There is also Rabbi Judah L. Magnes, Jacob Schiff’s protege, of the Communist Garland Fund, also, Louis Marshall, and Louis D. Brandeis whose hysterical cry to Jewry was: “Organize, organize, organize!” until every Jew has to “stand up and be counted.” President Wilson put Zionist Brandeis on the Supreme Court. He was the largest single contributor to Communist Commonwealth College. Free love, nude swimming, singing the Soviet International in the training school for red agitators and other extreme activities resulted in Commonwealth College being closed up under the Arkansas anarchy laws.

As for the millionaire American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress: “The two organizations differed on the question of method rather than that of principle.” (See Exhibit 240)

The American Jewish Congress is active in some 65 countries of the world. The Congress has followed the Red line with enthusiasm — whether going to court for the “Miracle,” a play which portrays Christ as a bastard son of a soldier, in accordance with the Talmud, opposing “loyalty oaths,” or what have you.

Majority of Jews in Zionist-Marxist Organizations

The magazine, Jewish Life (April, 1938, published by the New York State Jewish Bureau, Communist Party) stated:

“Three federated Jewish bodies encompass between them the majority of Jews; the American Jewish Congress, controlled by the Zionists and representing the majority of Zionists, the Jewish Labor Committee and the Jewish People’s Committee, both of which have had national conventions in the past months, at which their respective positions were very clearly stated.”

Thus, the majority of Jews are in three Marxist national networks: all Marxist Socialist and one of them outright Communist in affiliation.

The Jewish Labor Committee

The organization of the Jewish Labor Committee in 1934 is cited in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943), in a sketch by its executive secretary. It represented a membership of half a million in 1942 and included David Dubinsky’s International Ladies Garment Workers’ Union, Sidney Hillman’s Amalgamated Clothing Worker’s Union, “and 765 other labor organizations.” The donation of a day or half-day’s pay to underground activities abroad was mentioned. Adolph Held, Joseph Baskin, David Dubinsky and the writer Jacob Pat, are given as officers.

Comparing the 1915 convention with a 1934 convention of the Jewish Labor Committee, B‘nai B‘rith Magazine (National Jewish Monthly, April, 1934) felicitated the Jewish Labor Committee on its “racial solidarity” and stated: [page 77]

“With the leading Jewish Socialist organizations represented by over one thousand delegates, this recent conference equalled in size and resembled in character that one that was held at the outbreak of the war. It was estimated that the delegates acted and spoke for more than half a million organized Jewish toilers, and spoke for them in behalf of specific Jewish interests.

“To show the world that we have great armies of labor is a very good thing but to have the same world note that these hosts are largely of radical frame of mind is something about which we have in the past been somewhat squeamish.”

The elected officers of the original and subsequent Jewish Labor Committee such as Chairman, B. Charney Vladeck (deceased), Secretary J. Baskin, Treasurer David Dubinsky, Joseph Schlossberg and Max Zaritsky, Vice-Presidents, were all Russian-born Red Socialist Jews, and former Red revolutionists in Russia.

Dubinsky, for example, was arrested repeatedly in Russia, serving 18 months in one prison, and was exiled to Siberia, escaping after five months and coming to the USA (American Labor Who’s Who, 1925).

Israel Weinberg, another official of the Jewish Labor Committee was “acquitted on one charge of murder in San Francisco Preparedness Day Parade bomb explosion, July 22, 1916, eight other indictments still pending.” (same source) The San Francisco Preparedness Day bombing was the work of the Anarchist-Communist Tom Mooney and his cohorts. Mooney had been expelled from the Socialist branch of the party for the dynamiting. But world Communism made him a hero until his death.

Adolph Held, Polish-born Jewish Socialist, who has been President of Sidney Hillman’s Amalgamated (Clothing Workers’) Bank, and President of the Daily Forward Association, was Chairman in 1955, of the Jewish Labor Committee. As previously mentioned, Daily Forward is the largest Socialist paper in the world — and is printed in New York in Yiddish.

B‘nai B‘rith Gloats Again

In the May, 1938 issue of its magazine, B‘nai B‘rith again gloated over a current convention of the Jewish Labor Committee “attended by 1,200 delegates, and said to represent more than 500,000 organized Jewish workers,” and rejoicingly commented that:

“The achievements of the Jewish people in the Soviet Union have been made possible by the assistance of the Soviet government.”

The American Jewish Committee, B‘nai B‘rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee formed a joint council with the Zionist radical American Jewish Congress (Associated Press, June 17, 1938), and have since been known as the “Big Four.”

Jewish People’s Committee

The Jewish People’s Committee of the Communist Party is comprised of hundreds of thousands of Communist Jews.

The January, 1938 issue of its publication, Jewish Life, reported a convention of the Jewish People’s Committee, stating:

“Close to 1,000 delegates representing half-a-million American Jews participated in the National Conference and anti-Polish Pogrom march on Washington under the auspices of the Jewish People’s Committee … A spokesman for Jewish reaction, Dr. S. Margoshes, tried to pooh-pooh the whole conference by saying: ‘About a thousand delegates, representing mostly Left and Communist-controlled Jewish organizations, assembled in Washington over the weekend.’”

But the article goes on to say: “Half a million Jews constitute a significant cross section of American Jewry.”

Poale Zion

In the Jewish Communal Register for 1917-18, note, concerning “Zionism-Socialism,” the tribute paid to a socialist leader, B. Borouchov, who proclaimed Zionism as a Socialist “theory which was necessarily very popular among the Jewish masses who were at the same time Socialistic through and through.” And they still are “Socialistic through and through.”

“Zionism thus received a Marxist basis, and appealed strongly to the masses.” We see the organizations of the “Social Democratic Zionist Party Poale-Zion,” by Socialist Borochov and Ben-Zwi; a great Russian general strike (always part of Zionist strategy) and the organization of revolutionary red journals.

“At the same time that the party was organized in Russia, sister societies were organized in America, in England, and finally, in Palestine.” (See Exhibits 218219)

“Poale-Zionism” [i.e. workers of Zionism] we read “is a party not for Palestine alone, but also for the Golus [all Jews everywhere in so-called dispersion] and its interests.” “For this reason, Poale-Zionism is the center of the East Side [of New York] from which come forth almost all Jewish American movements, or without which no movement can prosper.”

And, continuing: “The Poale-Zion created the [Jewish] Congress movement … And the participation by the Jewish Kehillah of New York is cited:

“The Poale-Zion have made their best record in the Congress movement, where they forced the whole Jewish laboring class on the one hand, and the Zionists on the other hand, as well as the better-to-do elements, to participate.” (See Exhibits 222 and 223)

Even in 1917-18, there were stated to be “more than one hundred societies in the National Workers’ Alliance, which cooperates with Poale Zion. ”All this constitutes a strong [page 78] National-Socialist movement in America under the spiritual leadership of Poale Zion.” (See Exhibit 225) And:

“Purpose … the establishment of a socialistic commonwealth … the education of the Jewish masses in America (See Exhibit 226)

“Poale Zion” formed a world organization and affiliated with “Zeire Zion,” and became the strongest element in the Palestine “Histadruth” (giant cooperatives of unions, properties, industries, bus lines, banks, etc., on USSR lines) “controlling 70% of its votes” (Universal Jewish legion that fought on the side of the Allied army in Egypt and Palestine … a Yiddish weekly, Yiddisher Kampfer, and a monthly, The Jewish Frontier [supporter of Histadruth] and its prominent place in the Zionist World Organization. Poale Zion’s string of Marxist schools have done their work and are continuing to do it.

A Poale Zion Palestine party mentioned in the above 1943 report was called Aduth Haabodah, also spelled in the Zionist Palestine Year Book (1946), Ahdut Avoda and (in a 1955 Jewish Examiner report) Achdut Avodah.

“Ahdut Avoda is affiliated with the World Zionist Movement. It stands for the establishing of a Socialist Jewish State in Palestine, but is more radical in internal affairs.” (Palestine Year Book. 1946, page 355).

Marxist Parties in Israel

Where there is changing and realigning, the Marxist political composition of Israel does not change. “Left Poale Zion” and Ahdut Avoda form in part the Mapai party: “Its socialistic outlook is similar to that of the Third International [i.e. of Moscow] but was not permitted to affiliate with it.” These Marxist parties comprise 92% of the Histadruth vote. (Palestine Year Book, 1946, page 355). As an illustration of “Poale-Zion”).

Poale Zion, like the rest of the Palestine Socialist parties, is part of the World Zionist Organization, in turn maneuvering through the world for Zionist aims.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943) reported under “Poale Zion,” its formation in 1897; its founding of the Israel political orientation, the 1955 vote for Knesset (parliament) members in Israel was reported as follows (Jewish Voice, August 12, 1955):

“Mapai 40; Mapai-affiliated Arab parties, 4; Herut 16; General Zionists, 14; Religious Front (Mizrachi, Hapoel Hamizrachi) 12; Agudah, 6; Achduth Avodah, 10; Mapam, 8; Progressives, 5; and Communists, 5.”

And what are these parties, in brief? Says the Palestine Yearbook, 1946, page 354:

“Mapai is a Zionist Socialist party From its inception Mapai has been affiliated with the Second (Brussels) International.” Lenin and other Reds belonged to the Second International, until Moscow formed its own, called the Third International, a combine of Marxist parties formed in 1919.

Herut, which is now reputedly the second most powerful Palestine party, was formed by the Sternist terrorists who dynamited British police in sadistic fashion. After Israel was declared a state by the UN, these Sternists were admitted to the Palestine parliament, the Knesset, calling their party Herut.

Mapai tried to join the Moscow International, but was not permitted to because of minor stipulations. It “generally has a line of policy similar to Irgun and the Fighters for Freedom. It stands for close cooperation with the Soviets … A little publicized fact is that Soviet arms have now been issued to all Israel troops … Recent Hebrew victories have been won with Soviet guns.” (From Jerusalem Calling, organ of the Sternist, now Herut, Fighters for Freedom, September 3, 1948, 149 Second Avenue, New York)

Ahdut, or Acduth, or Leachduth, Avodah, as before stated, is a Socialist Party, a party dedicated in other words to subjugating all classes to one collective rule.

The Religious Front — Mizrachi and Hapoel Hamizrachi, and the even more fanatical Agudah parties are Talmudic parties, fanatically dedicated to the achievement of the anti-Christian, immoral, anti-human world power aims of their Pharisee religion. The difference between Communist tactics and Talmudic tactics is that one is political and deceptive, the other inspires and is the dynamic of these tactics. One practices what the other teaches. Communism is Talmudism in action.

The Communist Party is merely an arm attached to the Moscow branch of Jewish imperialism.

The General Zionists are different only in their stress upon certain policies best calculated to achieve Talmudic world aims. As for any imagined “conservatism,” the leaders of the General Zionists, (according to the Palestine Year Book, 1946, issued by the Zionist Organization of America) the ruling heads of the World Zionist Organization were: red Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Louis Lipsky, Nahum Goldmann. (page 357)

Wise, Silver, Goldmann, Lipsky, were all included in the 120 top Jews of the world chosen by the world Kehillas in 1937, along with Commissar Litvinov (Finklestein) of Russia, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein (see his “Pharisees” herein), and others.

The four have been leaders in the World Zionist Congress, and its American branch, the American Jewish Congress.


Next: Chapter XII. The Jews and the Communization of Russia

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