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Ken O’Keefe: The United States Is Owned By Israel, TSA Denied Flight to Anarcapulco

Ken O’Keefe – TSA Denied Flight to Anarcapulco for Refusing Body Scanner at LAX

Video Rated PG

Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 9.02.19 AMStatement of Ken O’Keefe – I am not surprised that the Orwellian TSA (Homeland Security) have denied me the ability to board a flight from LAX to Acapulco because I opted out of the body scanner procedure. I refused this as an ex-US Marine who has been given experimental injections and pills during the 1st Gulf War (along with 600,000 other American sons and daughters), these experimental drugs being administered without informed consent due to a “waiver’ provided by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) of the US Government. Many have died from ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ due to these experimental drugs, essentially many have been murdered by the FDA and US Military who ordered American sons and daughters to take experimental drugs. I have in the past always opted out of the body scanner and agreed (under duress) to a physical body search, today I once again agreed to this under duress but again was told I MUST SUBMIT TO A BODY SCAN OR BE DENIED THE ABILITY TO TRAVEL/FLY. I have refused these terms, which inherently mean radiating myself with their dangerous body scanners.

The “officials” responsible for this denial of rights are:
1) Brandon Brown – TSA Manager LAX – phone 310-258-4848
2) Tamara Thomas, Deputy Assistant to the Federal Security Director – Tamara insisted that I must submit to a body scan – it is said that this is due to me being listed by TSA as a ‘security threat’ and my boarding passes always having the code ‘SSSS’.

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