Home // Big Brother News // Never Forget About The Five Dancing Israelis That Were Arrested On 9-11 Filming And Celebrating The Attacks

Never Forget About The Five Dancing Israelis That Were Arrested On 9-11 Filming And Celebrating The Attacks

Video: 9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks

Video: Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11

Video: Did Israel’s Mossad Do 9/11?

Video: Israel did 9 11 – All the Proof in the World

Video: Who Did 9/11? – PhD Kevin Barrett Speaks Out (Russia Today RT Interview)

Video: 911 Clues EVERYONE MISSED

Do you remember five men being arrested by NYPD on 9-11 for filming and celebrating the attacks?

Source: edgeless_horseman Via Zero Hedge

– noun – dis·be·lief ?dis-b?-?l?f
: a feeling that you do not or cannot believe or accept that something is true or real.

I cringe every time I see a, “9-11 Never Forget,” bumper sticker, t-shirt, or beer coozie. I sigh and say to myself, “How can you never forget what you never knew?”

There are many conspiracy theories surrounding 9-11, but this article focuses on just one conspiracy fact. The FBI released the, “Five Dancing Israelis,” that were arrested by the NYPD on 9-11 for filming and celebrating the attacks on the WTC and driving around in a van that tested positive for explosives.  These were admitted Mossad agents working undercover in the USA.

Here is an interesting exercise that I invite all zerohedge readers to try.  The next several times that you engage someone in a conversation, preferably a politician running for office, ask the following questions.

Do you remember anything about five Middle Eastern men being arrested by the NYPD on 9-11 for filming and celebrating the attacks on the WTC and driving around Manhattan in a van that tested positive for explosives…these were admitted foreign intelligence agents working undercover in the USA?

In asking this question dozens of times, most recently in a conversation with two rabbis at one of the five Holocaust Museums in Texas, I have personally never, not once, had a person answer yes.

However, if they do answer yes to you, then ask if they recall what nation the men were from.  I would be shocked to hear any American say, “Israel.”

If they answer no, tell them they were Israeli Mossad agents, and ask if that helps them to remember.

Again, I have never had anyone say that they knew anything about what I was talking about.  Not once, not in any city, nor in any state of the USA.  If the conversation does continue, what I do hear, almost exclusively, is utter disbelief that what I am saying is true.

But it is true.

Now, consider that since 9-11, the USA has invaded and occupied what was once the sovereign nation of Afghanistan for almost 15 years and counting, allegedly due to the role it played in 9-11.  We have spent billions upon billions of dollars and killed tens of thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands, in this war effort.  

A girl who was burned beyond recognition by a U.S. drone in Afghanistan and left for dead in a trashcan before she had to undergo reconstructive surgery.   The chemicals in the missiles burn so hot they can light a tank on fire, but this is somehow different from the chemical warfare allegedly waged by our enemy…

Hellfire thermobaric warhead using a metal augmented explosive charge is used primarily in urban warfare, against bunkers, buildings caves and other concealed targets. This warhead is designed to inflict greater damage in multi-room structures, compared to the Hellfire’s standard or blast-fragmentation warheads. The Metal Augmented Charge or MAC (Thermobaric) Hellfire, designated AGM-114N, has completed rapid development cycle in 2002 and was deployed during OIF by US Marines Helicopters in Iraq. The new warhead contains a fluorinated aluminum powder that is layered between the warhead casing and the PBXN-112 explosive fill. When the explosive detonates, the aluminum mixture is dispersed and rapidly burns. The resultant sustained high pressure is extremely effective against enemy personnel and structures. The AGM-114N is designed for deployment from helicopters such as the AH-1W or UAVs such as the Predator drones.



I hear that more US soldiers serving in Afghanistan now die from suicide than are killed by the Afghanis, in what is now the longest war in American history.  Yet, we are now in our third Presidential election in the USA since 9-11 and the occupation of Afghanistan, and the candidates aren’t talking about any of this, and the Fourth Estate sure as hell isn’t asking any questions.


Don’t you want to know how the Presidential candidates feel about the fact that the FBI released the Five Dancing Israelis?  What about your congressmen and senators?  Don’t you want to know how our nation can imprison Afghanis in Guantanamo Bay, without trial, and torture them for information regarding 9-11…for more than a decade…yet the FBI released the Five Dancing Israelis to fly back to Israel and do television interviews.

If our politicians respond with disbelief, like everyone else I have ever asked, then what does that tell us?

If nobody from the Fourth Estate ever asks them these questions, then what does that tell us?

If you are afraid to engage people with this type of conversation, then please read my article: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-01-06/hedgelesshorsemans-revolutionar…

Never forget: War is a racket!

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