Home // Entertainment // Press Release: New Album Release – Just Inside My Freaking Head by The Truth Tale

Press Release: New Album Release – Just Inside My Freaking Head by The Truth Tale

New Album Release: Just Inside My Freaking Head by The Truth Tale

Release Date: November 9, 2017
Just Inside My Freaking Head
From The Indie Rock Band: The Truth Tale

Just Inside My Freaking Head


1 · Connecting the Dots

2 · I Meet a Girl?

3 · In This Text I Write You

4 · Something Tells Me

5 · Love Lost

6 · Puppies and Flowers

7 · He Bought a Wife

8 · Just What Are They Creating?

9 · Puppets on Strings

10 · Good Morning My Love

11 · What’s It All About?

For More Information, Please Visit The Truth Tale @ TheTruthTale.com

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