Home // Big Brother News // The Soviet Union Fell So Where Did The Dark Masonic Scorpion Go After Murdering Millions?

The Soviet Union Fell So Where Did The Dark Masonic Scorpion Go After Murdering Millions?

ScorpionThe Soviet Union Fell So Where Did The Dark Masonic Scorpion Go After Murdering Millions?

They Are Still Murdering Millions, Just In More Places

By Jack Allen

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 5.39.21 AMEverybody should know the real history of Russia and the Soviet Union, it can teach us a lot. But for some reason it is not really taught correctly in school and Hollywood does not make movies about it or if they do they down right lie about the real history. Hollywood is so good at manipulating public opinion. They can get people to embrace war, murder, death and basically live a false reality. Most people when they think of the mob they think of Italians, thanks to Hollywood and movies like the Godfather. In reality the biggest organized crime mafia is and was mainly run by Jews. I will get back to the mob stuff latter. This is not a anti-Jew thing here and some of the material for this article are from Honorable Jewish sources that also think it is important for true history to come out. Truth is the best light to see the Scorpions.


Let’s get back to the Russia and Soviet Union. When the US government was selling WW2 to the United States public they saw images like these.

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 7.46.52 AM Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 7.47.14 AM

In reality this is what the United States Government joined up with in WW2

Mass Murdering Jewish Bolsheviks1 Mass Murdering Jewish Bolsheviks2

The Bolshevik Jews Kill Ukrainians

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 5.39.21 AMSo basically the United States was suckered into WW2 based on Scorpion lies and propaganda. So we know Stalin and his mass murdering Jewish Bolsheviks killed 6 million Ukrainians. Is this why they needed the Holocaust story? I think so! If you want to learn more about the Holocaust Industry go here. More and more people are questioning the historic facts about the Holocaust since some Jews are still covering up what happened in the Soviet Union and what is going on in Israel today. Zionist Jews do have a war lust and that means they love death and destruction. Start your own research here. Stalin and his mass murdering Jewish Bolsheviks killed over 100 million people, always remember that!

Video: Holodomor – 10+ million white Christian Ukranians exterminated by Bolshevik Jews


Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 8.40.20 AMThe red hexagram became the symbol of two Rothschild-Illuminati creations, Soviet Russia and Israel. It may explain why both dreams have turned sour. Soviet Communism was created to destroy Tsarist Russia and build the “New World Order.” Israel is supposed to become the capital and religious seat of the new Masonic world government.

This Book Is A Must Read to get more detail about the Soviet Empire and its evil.

Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire

Paperback – 2002

This book provides stunning information about the secret role of the freemasons in international politics, about the bloody upheavals in France in 1789 and in Russia in 1917. The Author reveals the presence of dark Masonic forces behind the scenes (both Lenin and Trotsky were high-ranking freemasons, obeying the International Masonic Council). The Author pursues the history of the communist ideology from the Illuminati of the 18th century, to Moses Hess and his disciples Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Learn More

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 5.39.21 AMZionists & Scorpions dominate the US government, the banking sector, the news/entertainment media and the new church of Israel. All of their primary allegiance is to the Jewish state. Zion must replace America in the New World Order.

“Israel” is an artificial construct, a Jewish nationalist fantasy built on murder and theft. It is the last and greatest manifestation of European imperialism. A militant, racist and parasitic state totally dependent on the billions of dollars it receives every year from the U.S. government. Americas incredible generosity towards Israel comes at a time when it struggles to pay the interest on it’s massive $19 trillion debts and the American people face mounting unemployment, cuts in health, welfare and education.

Israel uses the massive handouts it receives from the American taxpayer to develop its secret nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs. Israel is said to be the fifth nuclear power in the world with a WMD program more developed than Britain’s.

Evangelical Christianity has now grown into the most powerful religion in the United States after more than a century of Zionist promotion and financial backing – boasting over 60 million organised members. Evangelical Christians are taught that modern Jews are God’s “chosen people” who will bring about the redemption of mankind through bloodshed and war. This new sect of Christianity has abandoned the teachings of Christ and demands unquestioning loyalty to “Israel” instead.

The most powerful Zionist Scorpions are the Rothschild family. They grew wealthy through financing revolutions and wars. Today, they own political parties, central banks, vast corporations and media empires. In 1917 they did a deal with the British – they would use their power and influence to bring America into World War 1 helping to defeat Germany in exchange for Palestine (see The Balfour Declaration). Zionists brought America into the war, the British seized Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, Germany and her allies were defeated and the map of Europe was redrawn by the victors.

Zionism was then promoted throughout Europe and thousands of Jews poured into British controlled Palestine. Those Zionist Jews were armed and trained by the British who brutally suppressed the local Muslim Arab population. Immigration increased throughout the 30’s and 40’s as European Jews fled from rising antisemitism. Germans blamed all Jews for the great Zionist betrayal of 1917 and many thousands were forced into labor camps. Many died in those camps from hunger and disease due to the devastating Anglo American fire bombing campaign that destroyed much of Germany and her infrastructure.

A German led preemptive war against the Soviet Union had failed to defeat its vast military forces and Europe was eventually over-run by the Allied powers. Millions of civilians were brutally raped and murdered as the merciless Bolsheviks advanced into Europe. Jewish led communists had seized power in Russia after the revolution of 1917. They then banned Christianity, demolished churches, and murdered millions of Russian Orthodox Christians. German soldiers fought desperately to defend the civilian population of Europe, fighting to the last bullet in the ruins of devastated cities. The history of World War 2 was then rewritten by the Zionist owned media giving birth to the Holocaust lie and the state of “Israel”. Openly questioning the Holocaust lie is a criminal offence in many countries.

Britain, America, and many others, are dominated by the freemasonic order. Freemasonry is the secret study of Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah. Their lodges and rituals are adorned with Jewish symbolism such as the hexagram “Star of David”. One of their goals is the establishment of a Solomonic Temple in Jerusalem (see Freemasons Hall, London). Above the 33rd degree is the council of 12 “Illuminated Ones” who use powerful occult rituals to summon the 13th member for guidance and instructions.

The ruling elite use the media to promote a culture of sex, drugs, violence, homosexuality, and atheistic materialism. Terror attacks are used as pretexts for military action abroad and repressive new security measures at home.

After the demolition of Larry Silverstein’s towers on 9/11 America has waged a “War on Terror”. Afghanistan was bombed and invaded in the search for Osama bin Laden. Iraq was bombed and invaded in the search for WMD. Libya, Yemen and Syria have been bombed and destroyed generating chaos, sectarian violence, terrorism and a refugee crisis on a scale not seen since the last World War.

“Israel” now dominates the entire region and its Zionist supporters maintain control over western governments, central banks, large corporations, the Zionist church and the news/entertainment media. The last obstacle to Zionist world domination is Iran – and the Sino-Russian alliance. America will be used to destroy all of Israels enemies.

Jacob Schiff Ordered Czar and Family Murdered
Illuminati Jewish banker Jacob Schiff pulled the strings on the “Russian” Revolution, including the savage murder of Czar Nicholas II and his family. The same power is behind the New World Order.
by Krister (henrymakow.com)

In July 1918, Illuminati Jewish banker Jacob Schiff sent a direct order thru US diplomatic channels to the Bolsheviks in Russia to murder Czar Nicholas II and his family.

This very hidden historical fact, as well as the decision-making process behind the murder of the Czar’s family, is described in the book “Under The Sign Of The Scorpion” by Jyri Lina. Below is a short excerpt:

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 5.39.21 AMThe order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York. Lenin had hardly any say in the matter. The Bolsheviks had been forced to flee from Yekaterinburg in such haste that they had no time to destroy all the telegraph strips. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house. Nikolai Sokolov [author of a detailed investigation carried out in 1919 under the authority of “White” (anti-Communist) leader Alexander Kolchak] took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. This was done only in 1922 by a group of experts in Paris. Sokolov then discovered that the strips were extremely revealing, since they dealt with the murder of the Tsar and his family.
The chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Yakov Sverdlov, sent a message to Yakov Yurovsky where he relayed that after he had told Jacob Schiff in New York about the approach of the White army, he had received orders from Schiff to liquidate the Tsar and his entire family at once. This order was delivered to Sverdlov by the American Representation, which then lay in the town of Vologda.
Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 8.51.43 AM(left, Nicholas II, 1868- July 17, 1918)

Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But on the following day, Yurovsky wanted to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or just to the head of the family, the Tsar. Sverdlov then told him that the entire family was to be eliminated. Yurovsky was responsible for the order being carried out.
So Lenin did not decide any of this himself. The Jewish historian Edvard Radzinsky has tried to assert that it was Lenin who gave the orders to murder the Tsar and his family. But no such telegram has been found in the archives. Radzinsky’s explanation that Lenin had this telegram destroyed does not hold water, since there is a vast amount of compromising material about Lenin otherwise. Why should he have destroyed only this particular telegram and no other equally incriminatory documents?
In November 1924, Sokolov told a close friend that his publisher was afraid to print these sensitive facts in his book. They were censored out. Sokolov showed his friend the original strips and the deciphered translations. Sokolov died suddenly one month later. He was to have traveled to the United States to give evidence in favour of Henry Ford in Kuhn, Loeb & Co’s lawsuit against the car magnate who had published his book “The International Jew”.
Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 6.09.52 AMSokolov’s book “The Murder of the Tsar’s Family” was published in Berlin in 1925 without the aforementioned information. These facts were made public only in 1939, in the exile periodical Tsarsky Vestnik. Jacob Schiff s role in those murders was described in Russia only in 1990.

The above revealing and extremely dangerous information about the REAL perpetrators of Communism is probably the main reason that “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” is so heavily suppressed.
Does the price scare you away from buying it? Is that intention?

Jyri Lina, a former Estonian who now lives in ‘liberal’ Sweden, has found that freedom of expression, at least for him, has a very limited value. He’s now again facing the situation of having to hold secret underground lectures for small groups, as in his ‘old’ days in Soviet-Estonia, before the KGB gave him the option to emigrate or go to KGB-prison. – See more at: http://www.henrymakow.com/jacob_schiff_ordered_murder_of.html#sthash.N9EFNTUz.dpuf

Video: Former Jew Exposes The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II

The Gulags “Gulags in Soviet Union — Jews Run Camps Used for Extermination of Christians”

Important Video with subtitles (Full) In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina (2009)

The Secret Behind Communism

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 5.39.21 AMSo we know the Scorpion spent a lot of time in Russia and the Soviet Union. So where did it go after leaving all the mass murders and destruction behind? That is an easy one, just follow the mass murders, financial crimes, usury tax schemes, debt and other evil madness.

We can sadly say that the Scorpion is getting stronger in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Israel and for sure Germany since that was what the Scorpions wanted since WW1. Of course the Scorpions want Russia back. We also know that anyplace the United States attacks is a country the Scorpions embedded in the government want, just like with WW1 and WW2.

Video: Jüri Lina – ‘The Masonic Maze of Political Secrets: Great Britain under the Freemasons’

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 5.39.21 AMWe know also that the Scorpions are involved in the mob and organized crime. Watch these informative videos.
The Coverup of Zionist Organized Crime!

Israel: The Promised Land for Organized Crime

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 5.39.21 AMAs a researcher and writer It is is not always popular and profitable to see and expose the truth. It is an ugly beast. I cross reference lots of things before I come to any conclusion. Putin said Jews destroyed Russia twice. The Demonic Bolshevik Jews that took over Russia and created the Soviet Union killed over 100 million people. The same demonic Jewish tribe is now in Israel mass murdering Palestinians and whoever else gets in the way. These Demonic Bolshevik type Jews or Scorpions are embedded in the US, UK, Canada, Germany and other nations. They create war, debt and mass murders. Not hard to see the reality when you open your eyes and turn off all controlled media.

We all know that not all Jewish descendants are Scorpions and I also know some Jews expose the same evil I want to expose. We do know there is a sick evil at play. What is the common denominator of a Scorpion?

Zionists appear to be Scorpions

Globalist Banksters appear to be Scorpions

Zionist Puppet Politicians are for sure Scorpions

Hollywood Helps the Scorpions and is an accessary to their crimes

Video: Hollywood Basterds by David Duke

Controlled mainstream media is in bed with the Scorpions and are also an accessary to their crimes

Video: CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix


Israel of course is run by Scorpions, even the United Nations say it is the most evil place on the planet

Video: Satan At The Wailing Wall

Video: Why Israel Is A Threat To World Peace

Video: Why Israel Gets Away With Murder

Video: Rabbis calling out the evils of Zionism

The Scorpions are amongst us and we must call them out and shine light on them before they destroy the planet.

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)

JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version)

The Scorpions are in deed predatory and to call the Scorpions I am referring to as animals is an insult to animals. There is a Scorpion agenda and we know it is evil. And it can destroy the human race if people don’t rise up to stop it. Expose a Scorpion everyday you can. Shine a light of truth in the places they like to hide. Don’t them work in secret and turn off all things controlled by them or use their lies against them. Look beyond what you are being feed by schools, media and politicians.

ALBERT PIKE Predicted All 3 World Wars

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