Home // Archive by category "World Watch"

The West Is Playing Russian Roulette – Escalation Upon Escalation Until Nuclear War

John Mearsheimer: The West is playing Russian roulette Freddie Sayers meets political scientist John Mearsheimer, the world-famous proponent of realism in international relations. Recorded in London on Monday 28th November 2022.

Big Brother Watch: What Is The World Health Organization Up To?

Scary Stuff Happening. USA is in decline, we are being sold out! Brewing controversy over the latest move by the World Health Organization.

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Elon Musk’s Epic And Brutal Remarks On Teleprompter Joe Biden, Who Is The “Real” President?

Elon Musk turns off the filter and is wondering like most of us, who is really running the country?

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What We Know Is Israel, Zionists and Zionist Puppet Politicians Did 9/11

What we know is Israel, Zionists and Zionist puppet politicians did 9/11. Saudi Arabia played a small role. The only possible criminals and the ones that benefited are Israel, Zionists and Zionist puppet politicians. How in the world do people not know this fact? Source: Press TV: Fifteen of the 9/11 “hijackers” from Saudi Arabia

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Shocker: Former Jew Says Coming World War 3 Will Usher In The Anti-Christ, A Jew World Order

Shocker: Former Jew Says Coming World War 3 Will Usher In The Anti-Christ, A Jew World Order Video By Brother Nathanael Tags: Brother Nathanael, WW3, World War 3, Anti-Christ, New World Order, NWO

Shocking Report: Will A Satanic Pedophile Scandal Bring Down Politicians & UK’s Royals?

Will A Globalist Murderous Satanic Pedophile Scandal Bring Down Politicians & UK’s Royals? David Icke – Two Hour Special on Royal And Political Paedophilia Talking on the Richie Allen Show – How the Global Pieces Fit. Incredible Information! This Is Shocking Stuff That Some Viewers May Find Disturbing! By David Icke Please circulate far and wide.

Anti-Illuminati Hacker Guccifer Warns Of Chicago Nuke Attack Planned For 2015

Guccifer – The Romanian Hacker Warns Of Chicago Nuke Attack Planned For 2015 Guccifer – the Romanian hacker who accessed private email accounts of numerous top government & military officials as well as the Bush family – is quoted in the New York Times as predicting a nuclear attack on Chicago sometime in 2015. Related

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Actor John Cusack Awakens To The NWO? Calls Henry Kissinger A Mass Murdering Globalist Scum!

Actor John Cusack Awakens To The NWO? Calls Henry Kissinger A Mass Murdering Globalist Scum! Video: How WeAreChange Confronted Henry Kissinger for the Third Time Tags: John Cusack, Globalists, Henry Kissinger, Shadow Government, NWO, New World Order,

Utopia Film – Oprah Wants Some People To Die, Are You On Her List?

Alex Jones talks with film maker Joel Gilbert about his latest film There’s No Place Like Utopia and plays clips from the movie as Joel breaks it down for the audience. Theres No Place Like Utopia Buy: Theres No Place Like Utopia Tags: Oprah, Joel Gilbert, Utopia Movie, There’s No Place Like Utopia

End Times? Scary Government Website Predicts Total Collapse of America by 2025

End Times? Scary Government Website Predicts Total Collapse of America by 2025. End of Days, End of Our Ways – Time Lost End Of Days: Related Media Related Video Below: THE END OF AMERICA 2014-2016: “IT’S WORSE THAN YOU KNOW” – MARTIAL LAW drills across the country, liberties being stripped away daily, the increasing biometric presence,

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Obama’s Ebola Czar Is Big On Population Control, The Walking Dead Predicted the Ebola Outbreak

Obama’s new ‘Ebola Czar’ Ron Klain is an enthusiastic advocate of population control who thinks that there are too many people. CIA and U.S. military involvement in the use of biological pathogens as weapons is well documented. But surely the creators of The Walking Dead are just conspiracy theorists. Tags: Ebola, The Walking Dead, Population Control, biological

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The Ebola Dictatorship Is Here – More NWO Big Brother Control

Look Back At The Previous Hypes: The Ebola Dictatorship Is Here Ebola Hype Videos – Video 1 w/music Video 2 no music Tags: Brother Nathanael, Globalists, Ebola, Police State, Big Brother

US Military Sets Up African “FEMA” Camps, Could This Happen In The United States?

While the U.S. Government attempts to dampen pandemic fears in America, drastic measures are being taken to quarantine Ebola patients in West African nations. American Exit Strategy (The Economic Collapse Chronicles) (Volume 1) App: U.S. Survival Tools Pro – Curtiss Middlebrooks Shop Survival Kits at BuyEmergencyFoods.com + Receive Free Shipping

Neighbors Of IRS-Gate’s Lois Lerner Refused To Let Her In Their Home When Press Wanted Answers

By Jason Mattera Wild Video: Neighbors Of Disgraced IRS’s Lois Lerner Refused To Let Her In Their Home After Press Wanted Answers Tags: IRS, IRS Scandal, Lois Lerner, Caught On Video

Globalist World Bankster Robert Zoellick & Gang Want A North American Union Even If You Don’t

Welcome to Americanadexico: New CFR Blueprint for a North American Union Super Grid Two Bilderbergers, former general David Petraeus, now of KKR Global and former World Bank head Robert Zoellick, now Chair of Goldman Sachs’ international board, are leading the Council on Foreign Relation’s latest push for an ‘integrated’ North America — a North American

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UK Prime Minister Goes Creepy Globalist Big Brother And Promotes Thought Policing

UK Prime Minister Goes Creepy Globalist Big Brother And Promotes Thought Policing. Paul Joseph Watson talks with talk show host Lionel about recent news and cognitive infiltration. Video 2: Law Professor Advocates Government Infiltrating Politically Dissident Groups Tags: DAVID CAMERON, UK Prime Minister, Globalists, Big Brother, Thought Police

Attorney Larry Klayman Wants Obama Deported, But This Youtube Poster Wants Him On Trial For Treason

Attorney Larry Klayman Wants Obama Deported, But This Youtuber Wants Him On Trial For Treason Video and Opinion By: Gabor Zolna Attorney Larry Klayman wants Obama deported, I don’t, I want to see him arrested for his countless crimes against the American people, tried for treason, and if found guilty, executed. Absolutely every single thing

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Gerald Celente: Governments Are Spreading Fear And Hysteria To Start Next War In Middle East

Gerald Celente: Those In Power Are Leading Us Down A Path Of Doom And Destruction Video Part 1 of 2 Below – Governments Are Spreading Fear And Hysteria To Start Next War In Middle East CuraDebt: Tax Debt Relief Free Consultation – Call Now: 888-581-5193 Video Part 2 of 2 Below Tags: Gerald Celente, Globalists, Geopolitics


Obama’s new wars in Iraq and Syria are totally immoral as well as illegal under US and international law, Ron Paul said by DANIEL MCADAMS | LEW ROCKWELL BLOG Obama’s new wars in Iraq and Syria are totally immoral as well as illegal under US and international law, Ron Paul told RT’s Abby Martin yesterday. The idea that

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Actress Nicole Kidman’s Dad Dies Amid Aussie Pedophile Ring Scandal

Nicole Kidman’s Dad Dies Amid Aussie Pedophile Ring Scandal | Neon Nettle The father of Australian-American actress Nicole Kidman died after suffering fatal fall at a hotel in Singapore whilst visiting his 44-year-old daughter Antonia. She resides there with her husband and children, according to reports. But an article has surfaced stating that the 75-year-old

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NY Police, Fire Fighters Afraid To Come Forward With The Truth About 9/11

A first responder speaks out about what he really saw when 9/11 happened even though his pension is a stake. Joe Biggs and Lee Ann McAdoo talk about humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and Africa and how it effects us in the US. Video Below: Rudy Dent, 32 Year Vet Of NYC Fire Dept

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Braveheart – Yes, Scotland – We’ll Take What We Need Now – FREEDOM – Scottish Independence Battle Cry!

Scottish Independence Battle Cry –  Bravehearts Want FREEDOM Alex Jones has local activist Scottish John to discuss the looming vote for Scottish Independence. It’s down to the wire and most media outlets are calling the vote to close to call. The Queen and Parliament are running damage control. Video: Braveheart (3/9) Movie CLIP – They

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The NWO Globalists Want WW3 – The Real Reason Russia & Syria Are Being Targeted Right Now

The Globalists & Talking Heads Want WW3 – The Real Reason Russia & Syria Are Being Targeted Right Now Tags: Globalists, Controlled Media, Russia, Syria, WW3, World War

Rudy Dent, 32 Year Vet Of NYC Fire Dept And NYPD Exposes WTC 7 Cover-Up – 9/11 Was False Flag

Source: Somicom – Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo talks to Rudy Dent, 32 year veteran of NYC fire department and the NYPD, about his incredible first hand experience of the lies surrounding WTC 7. Tags: 9/11, Inside Job, Rudy Dent, WTC 7, WTC, False Flag

20 Conspiracy Theories That Are Now Confirmed True + The Big One In California Could Lead To Another Fukushima Like Disaster

Conspiracies That Were Confirmed True + Fukushima Like Disaster in California If The Big One Hits. Operation Fast and Furious, under which the Obama administration smuggled weapons to Mexican drug lords in an apparent effort to trace the guns and bust the drug gangs, was in fact part of a conspiracy to demonize the second

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