Home // Big Brother News // Rudy Dent, 32 Year Vet Of NYC Fire Dept And NYPD Exposes WTC 7 Cover-Up – 9/11 Was False Flag

Rudy Dent, 32 Year Vet Of NYC Fire Dept And NYPD Exposes WTC 7 Cover-Up – 9/11 Was False Flag

9/11 Firefighter Blows WTC 7 Cover-Up Wide Open

9/11 Firefighter Blows WTC 7 Cover-Up Wide Open

Source: Somicom – Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo talks to Rudy Dent, 32 year veteran of NYC fire department and the NYPD, about his incredible first hand experience of the lies surrounding WTC 7.

Tags: 9/11, Inside Job, Rudy Dent, WTC 7, WTC, False Flag

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