Home // Big Brother News // Is Amanda Bynes A Victim of Illuminati Hollywood Or MK Ultra Mind Control?

Is Amanda Bynes A Victim of Illuminati Hollywood Or MK Ultra Mind Control?

Amanda Bynes Mind Control Microchip Implanted in Her BrainIs Amanda Bynes A Victim of Illuminati Hollywood Or MK Ultra Mind Control?

Sourced: Jack Allen

Amanda Bynes, Nickelodeon Child Star, Says a Mind Control Microchip was Implanted in Her Brain and Makes Her Say and Do Things! – Illuminati MK-ULTRA Victim

Video Below: Roseanne Barr talks about MK ULTRA mind control in Hollywood

Video By Mark Dice Below: Amanda Bynes Mind Control Microchip Implanted in Her Brain, She Says – Illuminati MK-ULTRA Victim?

Get it at: iTunes, Google Play, Bandcamp, Amazon, Nimbit

Tags: Amanda Bynes , Illuminati, Hollywood, MK Ultra , Mind Control

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