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People Are No Longer Buying The Silly JFK Lone Nut Gunman Story

Kennedy Assassination Lone Nut Gunman Story Is Falling Apart, Even John Kerry Says So

Skull & Bones John Kerry On JFK Assassination: ‘I Have Doubts Oswald Acted Alone’

I Have Doubts Oswald Acted Alone, Says Skull & Bones John Kerry

Herald Sun.com.au

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963. Portrait distributed by the White House. Please credit "John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston" for the image.

JOHN Kerry has added credibility to a conspiracy theory that John F. Kennedy’s assassin may not have worked alone.

The US Secretary of State has become one of the highest-ranking politicians to publicly doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone conspirator in Kennedy’s murder, admitting to a journalist that he was suspicious of the government’s official finding.

“To this day, I have serious doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone,” Mr Kerry said in an interview broadcast onNBC, timed with the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s death.

“I certainly have doubts that he was motivated by himself, I mean I’m not sure if anybody else is involved… but I have serious questions about whether they got to the bottom of Lee Harvey Oswald’s time and influence from Cuba and Russia.”

Oswald, who was charged with Kennedy’s November 22, 1963, assassination, is known to have lived in the Soviet Union ahead of the attack, moving back to the US in 1962.

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Tags: Skull & Bones, John Kerry, JFK Assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald, John F. Kennedy, Assassination

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