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Democrats Declared War On US Citizens – Obama, Lois Lerner & IRS Coordinated Attacks on Conservative Groups

Democrats Declared War On US Citizens, Lois Lerner / IRS Coordinated Attacks on Conservative Groups

Lois Lerner Takes The Fifth, Again

Lois Lerner Takes The Fifth, Again

The Internal Revenue Service coordinated legal attacks on conservative groups with a host of government and political agencies, according to newly released emails. 

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch reveal former IRS official Lois Lerner had discussions with the Department of Justice about prosecuting several tax-exempt organizations. 

The emails show a plan to involve law enforcement and election officials in the prosecution of right-wing groups. 

On May 8 2013, Lerner wrote to an IRS official, forwarding an idea from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. She was seeking a contact at the tax agency to plan how the “DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” on their [applications].”

Nikole Flax, then the Chief of Staff to acting commissioner Steven Miller, responded to her request. 

“I think we should do it — also need to include CI [Criminal Investigation Division], which we can help coordinate. Also, we need to reach out to FEC.”

Lerner blamed early charges of political targeting on “low level” employees in the organization. This comment upset many employees in the agency. 

Cindy Thomas, from program director in the Cincinnati IRS office wrote to Lerner, “How am I supposed to keep the low-level workers motivated when the public believes they are nothing more than low-level workers?” 

In the documents, Lerner suggests some questionable activities by the IRS may be possible. “an alleged political expenditure that doesn’t say vote for or vote against is not realistic under current law. Everyone is looking for a magic bullet or scapegoat – there isn’t one. The law in this area is just hard.”

The newest scandal to hit the Internal Revenue Service is fueling widespread protest from TEA party and conservative groups. 

The emails were obtained through a lawsuit after the tax agency refused to release the communications after a Freedom of Information Act request. 





Video: Tea Party Groups Could Have Faced Trumped Up Charges – The Real Story

Tags: Democrats, Lois Lerner, IRS, Conservative Groups, IRS-Gate

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